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Capt. Obvious

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Everything posted by Capt. Obvious

  1. Value is zero IMO. I tended to agree (as it is not like you could sell it or anything). I just wanted to get the crowd sourced consensus.
  2. right...some of my fittings are used(bulkhead, strainer, elbow, threaded fitting, as well as some John Guest/Watts connectors)...that was my point
  3. serious question: What would the FMV of a faulted powerstrip be? I want to scavenge the outlets out of it for my controller and a broken one is just as good as a new one to me, but much cheaper (free)
  4. any splashing in the sump area, close to any vents? get direct sunlight at anytime?
  5. never too late to adjust a spreadsheet Yeah well, I don't want people to think I am not being fair
  6. well crap...to me FMV of used PVC is free, too late now
  7. I used some used plumbing and powerhead...I used Ebay pricing for new...but I am not sure I had to...I just did...and the glass cleaner does not count against budget as far as I know
  8. So my wife just got a call to be the Assistant Pastor at St. Martin's Evangelical Lutheran Church (on 15th street in Austin), I am so proud! (and still agnostic)

    1. Brooks


      Thats cool! Diversity within the family! Congrats to your wife!

    2. Capt. Obvious
  9. Originally it was only the tank fund...but I am game for them all...depends on what the masses think
  10. river city occasionally ...depends on how local you mean..there is always Mel up in dallas
  11. Congrats, and what is your line of work...I might know some people...
  12. I guess it would depend on how long you used it...
  13. Like the rockwork. not a huge fan of the large (huge) IM logo on the front though...
  14. Welcome, hope you find this club as friendly and helpful as I have
  15. +1 walmart, and I have seen it at HEB plus before
  16. I just got married on the 5th so, I snuck this one in.
  17. livestock...as they are algae and not coral
  18. is the rock removable? or is it buried/too big? if on a small rock...take the entire rock if on a larger rock or a rock you want to keep that is still removable...remove the rock, cut the colt, replace the rock. if the rock is not removable , start a small siphon near the coral to pull out anything the coral releases in defense (also...run carbon if you can) and then cut the coral off the rock (aka frag it)
  19. It can be replaced with the same item only w/o incurring a penalty I believe
  20. Nice tank, I was looking at the IM tank as well as the cadlights picos before I decided to build my own...and yeah...that looks bright!
  21. beats me ...I think we have to post a pic with something in the tank to prove it is dry...and that item won't be told to us until after the start time...or something.
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