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Everything posted by pbnj

  1. reached 600th post. To pass Mark at 5,300+ posts, I'll have to get him suspended...maybe I can get him to curse at me. ;)

    1. mcallahan


      that's not enough. Flame you maybe... :-)

    2. fishypets


      Mark post way too much. He's full o hot air.

    3. JamesL


      It was all those group orders :) Now that he has a kiddo, I think his post rate has gone down.

  2. Thanks. I have empty 240g and 135g tanks sitting in my living room. Santa needs to bring me a kick in the a$$ to get me movin' on the set-ups.
  3. For those of you considering adding a school of chromises, you may want to reconsider. You'll hear some say most of their schools die-off while others say they still have their entire, original school. I just read somewhere that these fish do well in schools as juveniles, but then they pair-up as they mature, so you can see why some people are succesful and others are not. Then again, you could get lucky....just sharing what I read.
  4. Try a Life Reef overflow box.....supposedly, they're guaranteed not to lose their siphon.
  5. pbnj

    My 210g build

    LEDs on a 29" tank...that's a bold move. What are you planning on keeping (softies, LPS, SPS)? Continued good luck with your build....coming along nicely.
  6. pbnj


    That explains it....it's always Mark's fault.
  7. pbnj


  8. Is it just me, or does the 14K bulb side (right) look more blue than the 20K bulb side (left)?
  9. Just received word that my father is recovering/stable following his quadruple bypass surgery. It took a little longer than usual because of some unexpected complications (aortic calcification), but everything is about as good as we could have hoped for. Many thanks to you guys for your good thoughts!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. pbnj


      Thanks, guys. He's in for some extended physical therapy. He hasn't smoked since 1982. Not completely unrelated, I haven't smoked since this past 4th of July.

    3. innate1
    4. Laura


      +1 on Robb...my mom was not out of open heart surgery more than a few hours and they MADE her get up and moving. It was the most traumatic experience she ever had, but moving=faster recovery.They don't want you in there too long because of the nasty things you can catch IN the hospital!! Keep us posted Pat...

  10. Thought I saw a used one at RCA not too long ago.
  11. My 82-yr-old father with chronic health conditions is having 5-hr quadruple bypass heart surgery early tomorrow morning. Building-up the strength to call him again tonight. Trying to dismiss the negative thoughts and encourage him (and especially Mom).

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Laura


      oh Pat!! My mom had open heart and it nearly killed ME...she is 100% fine...she had a tumor...GODSPEED on his recovery...

    3. pbnj


      Much appreciated, everyone. Just talked to him and his spirits are good, after some encouraging words from the surgeons. Surgery's tomorrow morning in NJ.

    4. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      Hopefully, everything will be just fine. Sending good thoughts his/your way.

  12. Millions of stupid videos on YouTube, but I can't find a single video on how to wire a MH reflector to a quick-disconnect cable.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. caferacermike


      Gravy train work. To bad you can't post some pics so I could talk you through it. I'm just guessing right now what kind of birds nest you have?

    3. pbnj


      Nothing yet...getting ready to order some Hamilton Cayman reflectors and I wanted to see how it's done. I'm sure I'll be "duh"-ing myself when I actually see it. Thanks, might hit you & others up for help in the near future.

    4. medi


      Agree with Mike. Easy as pie. You should have three wires. One black, one white, and one green.

  13. Anyone know the location of the new Gracie Barra Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu school opening in North Austin next month? I've heard 183/Burnet and the Arboretum area, but nothing concrete.

    1. Demodiki


      Did you see this?http://www.gbaustin.com/

    2. pbnj


      Yep, but they don't list the address. I e-mailed them today, but haven't heard back.

  14. Anyone know the location of the new Gracie Barra Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu school opening in North Austin next month? I've heard 183/Burnet and the Arboretum area, but nothing concrete.

  15. pbnj

    LR from hawaii

    Yes, infectious bacteria, e.g., strains of staph infections that are resistant to even most antibiotics. I saw a documentary/special on this once. Common-area beaches are just cesspools, but it doesn't sound like what you're describing.
  16. pbnj

    LR from hawaii

    Yeah....throw it out. Beaches are some of the most disgusting places on Earth, bacteria-wise. Why do you think they 'comb' the beaches? It's to turnover the top layer of sand with all of the infectious bacteria.
  17. pbnj


    Are you trying to use some kind of Jedi mind-trick on me? It's all good, no harm no foul. I can break bread and b***s with best of 'em.
  18. pbnj


    If this is your idea of sarcasm, I'd hate to see you truly bitter and ill-tempered.
  19. pbnj


    Dude, relax....just a humerous, light-hearted observation coming from someone who is hyper-conservative (and very accident-prone). I have an 8' 240g empty tank sitting in my living room and I won't even let my wife vacuum in there. You can do cartwheels in your tank for all I care....go nuts.
  20. pbnj


    I have no problem with someone going in once it's full of water.
  21. pbnj

    Freakin Blenny!

    I think what's happening is the Blenny is trying to scrape algae off the coral, but it's damaging the coral in the process. I don't think it's trying to eat the coral.
  22. LiveAquaria.com and Petco.com let you pick the size: LiveAquaria.com: http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=15+1634+115&pcatid=115 Petco.com: http://www.petco.com/product/108940/Chromis-Caribbean-Blue-Reef.aspx
  23. ....and don't use copper/malachite in any tank that has or will have corals/liverock. They're toxic to corals/inverts. They will also be absorbed by both liverock and silicone (staining it blue/green) and will eventually leach back into the system.
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