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Everything posted by medi

  1. Looks like a sculpin to me. I don't know much about them except that they are found in both SW and FW. I actually caught a few of the FW variety last week and was using them as brown trout bait.
  2. I knew I recognized that tank. Should make an awesome set up. Congrats!
  3. aww...I was gonna jump on this for $15. Wish I could afford $150
  4. agreed...wouldn't chance it. Just not worth the risk
  5. I know they have that problem. I have been very lucky so far and haven't noticed any troubles. I was told by my vet that a good vet should be able to examine a young puppy and including X-rays should be able to rule out whether the pup will have a problem or not. Another thing we do is give our dog glucosamine which is supposed to help. Thanks for the compliment. We have really enjoyed them.
  6. Personally, my favorite breed is the boxer. I have two here at home and they are both excellent dogs. They are incredibly smart; even if they look dumb as a post they usually are a very intelligent breed. Also, they can be quite the deterant to would be criminals. Ask any of the members here who have seen my dogs. They look and sound like they would eat you alive, but they really just like to announce their presence. They have become quite protective of my kids so they don't like strangers, but I am fully assured that they would never hurt a fly unless truly necessary. They have been excellent with my two young children. My kids climb and jump all over them, and they just lay there and let them do whatever they would like. My older boxer weighs about 65 lbs. and the one year old pup weighs around 40 lbs.
  7. medi


    Thanks very much for the advice and the offer. I actually picked two up from the Dome yesterday. After watching last night I wish I had added those little guys a LONG time ago. They are awesome. I littlerally had a little fish assembly line running across the front of my tank with the two wrasses taking turns cleaning the fish. I was amazed at how fast the tangs knew exactly what the wrasses job was. Pretty awesome symbiotic relationship, if I do say so myself. Plus, I saw one of them eat a planaria flatworm yesterday. That's the first wrasse I have actually seen eat the little boogers. Hopefully, I am killing two birds with one stone.
  8. Love my new cleaner wrasses. I literally have a line of fish running across the front of my tank just waiting to be cleaned, and a fish buffet for the wrasses.

  9. That's AWESOME!! Wanna sell the 1262?
  10. Dare I ask how overloaded your tank was? Sounds like your fish were probably already stressed and the cuc dying just pushed them over. I only say this because a 30 gallon tank is small and in no way should you ever have had a hippo tang in that size tank. So how many other fish were in the tank. Hope this doesn't come across wrong, but I want to make sure zenofix understands everything before getting rid of an excellent filter feeder. On a side note I also kept two cucumbers and they did an excellent job of keeping my tank pristine. One did die and everything survived without any issues.
  11. I agree boiling kalk paste works extremely well, but if you can find a peppermint shrimp that will eat them then that is much easier. I don't know if this helps you at all, but mine only come out at night. I never see them unless I get out the red light and start looking.
  12. medi

    Rescue my chalice

    I'll take it if he backs out
  13. medi


    hmm...hadn't thought about the UV sterilizer and the bio-pellets together. I actually already bought a UV sterilizer it just isn't hooked up yet. Thanks Stephen for the offer though. I guess I'll go pick up some cleaner shrimp and see if maybe those help. If not then I'll hook up the UV sterilizer.
  14. medi


    How did you do it? I have thought about that, but I am concerned about the rapid changes in salinity.
  15. medi


    I wouldn't think that would be the problem. Diagonally the tank measures 51" so their is actually longer straight lines than a standard 90 gallon, and I know tangs are successfully kept in standard 90s.
  16. medi


    One purple and one regal.
  17. medi


    I do. It is also the garlic infused nori
  18. medi


    My tangs have recently come down with what I believe to be ich. Their body's are covered in small white spots, but I see no other tell tale signs of ich. No cloudy eyes, listlessness, rapid gill movement, scratching, change in feeding, or any change in behavior. In the four years I have been keeping SW i have never had a fish come down with ich so I am still kind of uneducated when it comes to its treatment. I know the basic QT routines, but setting up a QT tank is not really an option right now. Currently, the only thing I am doing is soaking my frozen food in garlic, and monitoring for any further changes. It seems to be only affecting my two tangs. All other fish seem unbothered so far. I do 15 G water changes bi-weekly. I only use RO/DI water with a TDS reading of 0. I do not believe my tank is overstocked. I currently run a 100G setup with one purple tang, one regal tang, one ocellaris clown, one lyretail anthia, one orchid dottyback, and one six line wrasse. My skimmer is a SWC Xtreme Mini Cone. The only thing I changed before the outbreak began was I started running Vertex bio-pellets in a TLF 550 reactor. I don't think this has anything to do with it, but it does seem strange this happened right after I added this to the system. My water parameters are: NO3 - 0 NO2 - 0 NH3 - 0 CA - 430 KH - 11 SG - 35 ppm Anyone have any suggestions or things I should try? Thanks
  19. I loved my mckosker's wrasses, but if you don't have a cover on your solana they will readily attempt carpet surfing. I had three different mckoskers in my solana and everyone jumped. Still sad about those fish they were by far my favorite. As far as angel fish go they are beautiful open water swimmers, but you have to be careful as they have a bad habit of nipping at corals. Although, I've been very lucky with my coral beauty. I've had him for two years and have never seen Hume nip at anything
  20. medi

    Skimmer Choice

    I had that exact same skimmer on my solana and loved it. How often do you pull it out and clean the foam block that sits in the bottom of the skimmer body? If you don't maintain that appropriately you will fill your cup in a very short amount of time. Also, how many holes do you have covered on the bottom of the skimmer body? I only kept the one large hole covered. If you still have issues you can call nano reef systems, they always gave me good customer service and were able to troubleshoot very easily.
  21. medi

    Hawkins echinata

    I'll take one. Are you going to be in the Austin area anytime soon?
  22. I caught two of mine eating the polyps on my SPS. I know everyone says they are reef safe, but I don't trust those crabs any longer. They all now reside in my sump. As far as how to catch them; I just waited until they came out to where I could grab them and then finessed them off of the rock.
  23. I want to order a few things, but I would like to pay using plastic. Is there anyway that is possible?
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