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Everything posted by innate1

  1. That's mine. Innate1, D.R.(Donnel) Steuerwald, owner, operator and chief bottle washer @ Cedar Park Tech Chiropractic. I don't know why they'd do it like that. I still don't have my zig-zags
  2. I thought my stuff looked light. I have no fuzzy chitons, I didn't see any zig-zags, or the ulvaria(sp). So do we individually contact John or what's the protocall? Oh and thanks again Rob for doing this.
  3. I only qualify as a wise(edited due to content) but I agree with Ric, those are some pretty small fish.
  4. Oh and Rob thanks for putting this together.
  5. what else is around the hobby lobby or do you have an address for it?
  6. I'm a chiropractor and my wife is a mid-wife
  7. Just talked to wife and she'll be done with her patients I'll send her. NO pickle. I repeat no pickle.
  8. Ok now it looks like im in a pickle. I finish seeing my last patient at 6 and your getting to 183/lamar @ 5. How long were you planning on waiting around?
  9. So when would all of us North folk meet you @ Hancock?
  10. I just ordered 20 dwarf cerith 3 fuzzy chiton 5 limpets 10 nassarius vibex 10 zigzag periwinkles 1 penny macro algae 1 ulva 1 flame algae 2 gracilarua 40.26 I'd like to pick up at the 183/lamar location. Thanks a bunch.
  11. point your Tunze at it, be ready to catch clam
  12. Great guy to work with, great experience.
  13. Welcome! Cool! Can't wait to see the pics.
  14. Thank you so much that was awesome! If you find the one on vit c please let me know.
  15. Thanks for the great corals,great time, and letting me drool over your tank.
  16. You could participate with xenia and gsp. do you have any yet? I'll start you off when your ready. the database would be cool not my forte, but when you meet people like the mannings that have so much knowledge and are so giving you just want to help pay some of that back. See a need meet a need. LMK when you want your xenia.
  17. sent pm I want I want I want
  18. Xenia gets my vote for most repulsive o dear
  19. Didn't know we needed an endorsement to help each other out and foster a community. Who knew. Sorry for making waves; pun intended
  20. did you do tablets or the buffered powder, and how long? I think I'm going to start and see what I see.
  21. That's a great idea. Let's hug it out, I mean talk it out during the meeting. I just look at it as another way to foster community and get to know each other.
  22. I guess this is where we would hammer that stuff out. I'm a pretty simple guy, so I would just keep it simple. What rules are really needed? I mean there are and will always be people who use and abuse systems but are they the people you meet here? I don't think so. Everyone I've come into contact with has been generous and giving. So take a coral that interests you, grow coral and offer a frag to someone else. I don't see the need to make it difficult. Maybe I'm wrong. I just love trading coral so I get to meet new people and see ya'lls wonderful tanks.
  23. I've read a few threads on R.C. does anyone dose either of these? If so what are your experiences? I'm interested in vit. c dosing for my zoas.
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