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Everything posted by mcallahan

  1. i like the ceramic ones b/c if I can't find a hole for the shaft of the plug to fit in, I can cut it off with bone cutters. Then I just epoxy the remaining disc to the LR. The plain discs are too big IMO. The titles always seem strange - they never fit anywhere. I recommend the ceramic plugs.
  2. I call dibs on dapettit. He's my buddy on this one!
  3. It just plugs straight into the wall, no power box needed
  4. what are you wanting to do with it? I ask b/c sometimes a full fledged controller can do the same things with greater benefits, and for similar costs.
  5. our box is here. Everything looks pretty good. PM me for when you want to p/u and we'll work out the details.
  6. I advise people to "go plus one". A little bigger gives you room to grow. Just make sure what you are buying fits where you want to put it!
  7. PLEASE READ THE WHOLE POST... Hey everyone, here is our box: FedEX: 798319595855 It will be delivered tomorrow by 10:30a AND..we might have to put down our 14 yr old lab tomorrow so it'd be great if I didn't have people coming in and out. So if we do put her down (I'll know in the am), my request would be that as people come get their corals, they call me so I can bring the bag out to you. I want people to have their order and I want to make it as easy as possible on my wife. Thanks I'll update the thread tomorrow about the dog issue...and if FedEX f-s up!
  8. You can find a sweet setup for that much!
  9. Oh geez, I'm sure I could find something I need. I can take on combining the orders as well. I think mitch and I get the preferred pricing so that will help us save some $$.
  10. +1 on super glue gel. Works everytime.
  11. dang, if they were 250W, I'd be all over it. ask offroadadodge
  12. Yeah, Americans suck at being patient.
  13. Used reactors are easy to find. Check our FS threads and I've seen several on reefcentral lately. I'm just getting my set up so this should be an interesting side by side experiment.
  14. Garlic supplements aren't cheap. I paid $10 for a small bottle, but it has lasted well over a year. So if people are on the fence about adding garlic to your food, don't let the price deter you as a small bottle will last a while.
  15. If I'm the group buy pusher, he's the lighting pusher! I'll be interested to see how the reactor changes affects things. Keep me posted!
  16. I don't know what the difference would be, but I use Kyloic brand that my wife got @ HEB and it works great. Its also lasted me over 1 yr.
  17. Not to hijack, I know the world of KH = 11+, pH =7.6-7.9. Gotta get you on Kalk man, problem solved. And your raising of KH from 10 to 13 shouldn't cause an issue. Let me know if you want a connection to cheap Hamilton's Dave. Or are you going to let off road talk you into 20Ks?
  18. basically the bulbs loose their punch. The spectrum shifts and they don't reach down as far...i.e. not as much light to make food for the corals = not happy corals = reduced polyp extension. subsea always grills me on it b/c I swap all my bulbs (PC and MH) every 6 months so that I don't have to wait till something is wrong before I notice the bulbs need replacing. I equate it to changing your oil in your car..preventative main't
  19. No fish there! What about Chedder's? Don't they have saltwater tank in each store?
  20. Maybe. They are coming USPS from southern california and the USPS didn't work today.
  21. the order will ship Wednesday for Thurs am delivery.
  22. If you are looking for just the graphs, just use the web interface like Chris said. I don't have aquanotes and I'm not missing it.
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