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Everything posted by mcallahan

  1. Here is the official thread! Start picking your shizzle!
  2. Ok, I've confirmed the Red Sea is the Red sea PRO salt. Right now we're @ 5 buckets. Once I have 20 people, I'll tell Jake to order it.
  3. People wanted me to do a Vivid Aquariums Group Buy, so here it goes! Vivid Aquariums has a great selection of just about everything, including FISH so peruse their website, then place your order keeping in mind the following: - Order closes, Monday, March 22nd, @8am. If I don't have your payment, I drop you from the order. Sorry, deadlines are deadlines. - Pickup will be @ my house, 8422 Jamestown Dr, 78758 or if we have enough interest, I can coordinate a north/south/central pickup. - The shipment usually arrives @ 10:30a so if you can schedule breaking away from lunch or working from home, its a great way to get your goods early! - Shipment will arrive Wednesday, March 24th. - I have a commitment starting @ 7p on Wednesday (order delivery day) so please make plans to pick up your order before 6:30 on Wednesday - minimum GROUP total order is $150. So if we don't get enough interest to have a total order value of $150, it won't go - $225+ qualifies for free shipping, otherwise shipping is a flat $30. After the free shipping discount, they will just charge us $10 for the box. We'll split this charge among everyone involved. - $350+ gets us a 10% discount EXCLUDING WYSIWYG items or "pack" items - e.g. reef cleaner packs, acro packs. - Dry goods DO NOT count towards our order total, DO NOT get the 10% off and DO NOT get free shipping. Payment works as such: I have to order and pay for everything myself. They won't let everyone pay individually then group our orders together (like @ reefcleaners.org). So I'm requesting that everyone either pay cash or paypal directly to me before 8a on Monday, March 22nd. Once I get everyone's order, I'll confirm it with them, then send the order off. PLEASE NOTE: If you are paying via paypal, be sure to add 3% for paypal fees OR use the "personal" option. PM me for my paypal addy. I'll let people chime in with pictures of what they got from vivid in the past. I've had GREAT customer service from them and MORE than generous frags so you won't be disappointed. MAKE SURE you check out their WYSIWYG picks. They are adding new inventory all the time and their stuff looks great!
  4. Ok, got the dates from Vivid, starting a new Group buy thread
  5. I switched this summer...no ill effects and I've found it takes LESS Red Sea salt to reach 1.025 than Reef Crystals.
  6. I'm waiting to hear back from Vivid and if they can't do Monday ship, then I'll go for Tuesday ship, delivering on Wednesday. Note, if the box comes on Wednesday, everyone will have to pickup by 6:30p as I have a commitment that night @ 7p. I'll start an official group buy thread this afternoon once I hear from Vivid.
  7. Happy birthday. I see many SPS colonies in your future!
  8. We are @ 14 people for Red Sea. I say let's DO THIS THING! If you want in on the group buy, respond in the thread with the # of buckets you want and I'll work with RCA to get the details of how to order.
  9. Daisy- I run group buys w/Vivid Aquariums like this: - you tell me what you want via post in the group buy thread (I'll start one once I get a preferred date from everyone) - Depending on order totals, we can get up to 10% off so once I see where we stand in regards to discounts, i'll get you a total for your order - everyone pays me for their order. Payment can be made via cash or paypal - I then order everyone's stuff so it comes in 1 box and so that we get free shipping - When the order gets here, I let everyone know and you come pick up your stuff. The only real ettiquette is that if I don't have someone's money, then I don't include them in the order. We always get great frags from Vivid. They are always bigger than expected and very healthy.
  10. let me see if Vivid could ship next Monday as Wed/TH of next week stink for me.
  11. errr...Danny is selling some in his tank breakdown thread
  12. Thanks for the pics and I'm going to pass on this one.
  13. One of our ARC members suggested to me about doing a GB for buckets of salt. I check with River City (RCA) and here is the scoop: Red Sea Salt: 20 or more buckets - $42 bucket - thats nearly $15 off a bucket! Coralife salt: 20 or more buckets - $30 bucket Vote on which one you want and we'll see if we have enough interested to meet the break points.
  14. Oh boy...I was thinking it was about time to do one. Let's see who is interested and I'll be happy to head one up!
  15. I'm interested if you can shoot me some pics.
  16. Hey gang, I confirmed the order will be here Thursday. I'll be available all day that day till 6p
  17. I'll be in Houston for the day picking up the Frags and More order so wave the flag for me Dave!
  18. remember Dave...bart gets DOG food, fish get FISH food...
  19. Wayne- They told me the same thing so we are good to go
  20. none yet. I'll ask mid-week as the earliest it would ship would be mid-march
  21. Looks like our order will Ship Tuesday for Wednesday delivery. ***NOTE: if they do not receive your payment by the day the order ships, they'll just drop your order off the shipment so make sure you check your paypal accts and pay your bill!***
  22. don- please scratch my bulb order for now. I'm going to hold off. I'll still be picking up everyone's order on the 27th and I'll probably end up picking something else from you when I'm there!
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