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Posts posted by Aaarrrggg

  1. That's interesting about the LR being ok in hypo. Hmmm I might leave some in my QT then. Thx guys! :D

    I wouldn't recommend green spotted puffers for this. From what I've read, it sounds like in the wild they travel from low to high salinity as they grow. So an adult needs full SW to be happy.

    (Disclaimer: I could be wrong! Just happened to do some research into GSPs a while back and that was what I came away with.) :)

  2. The fact it's being so persistent and the sea hair won't touch it is making me think bryopsis too. Does 3 days of darkness have any effect?

    Maybe wiping out the previous case of GHA just gave the bryopsis a foothold? Bryopsis can look v much like GHA.

  3. Here's some more info on the cleaner wrasse: http://piratefx.hubpages.com/hub/cleaner-wrasse

    One of the big problems is they feed almost exclusively on the stuff they pick off other fish; so they tend to do poorly in aquariums. Never had one myself, just keep coming across threads with people saying we should avoid buying them, so I thought I'd mention it. Its a shame, it would be a cool behaviour to watch.

    I believe neon gobies can perform the same function, but with their small size I doubt they'd get a chance in an aggressive tank! :lol:

  4. I've heard limpets and really large turbos can do ok in aggressive tanks. Cleaner shrimp can also be ok if the fish are smart enough to recognise the service they perform... but there's always a risk someone will forget! :)

    Its better to stay away from buying cleaner wrasses. They have an important role to play and collecting them is apparently causing problems in wild reefs.

    I'd imagine large hermit crabs could do ok as well. I remember seeing a huge one in an aggressive tank at AquaDome.

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