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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. FarmerTy

    Shipping coolers

    Once Dan clears out, I have 3 to get rid of as well.
  2. All the frag heavy people are in the great white north! [emoji4]
  3. The high price of skimmers is more associated with the pump than the body. I just don't see you saving that much going this route but it's doable. Hardest part is being able to tune your skimmer without being able to see through it.
  4. Btw, BigAls was the cheapest I found Tech M online if that helps.
  5. Corals look great Kim! That setosa looks like its on fire! I'd zap that bryopsis with peroxide and/or Tech M as soon as possible. It can go plague level in a just a few weeks in the right environment.
  6. One thing I thought of is possibly extending the visual inspection to a week or two. If your CP levels dropped at all while running the ich powder, you could have allowed ich to survive the treatment. Once removed from the CP, if any survive, giving the fish 1-2 weeks without medication allows you to see if it was masked by the medication and perhaps reappear.
  7. There seems nothing wrong with that method. Personally, I like doing the tank transfer method (TTM) for ich, while dosing prazipro on the 2nd and 4th transfers. The hidden benefit of TTM is not really having to worry about ammonia, probably the number one killer of fish in QT. You change the water every 72 hrs hrs so it doesn't have enough time to get toxic in the QT unless you have a substantial amount of livestock.
  8. That looks like a wife that is crying for some attention. Canopy? What about me? Don't tell her I said that!
  9. Was that 2nd picture wife approved? [emoji12]
  10. Mexican turbo snails will wipe out that red turf algae like nothing Kim as an alternative if it grows out again... but peroxide is way more fun.
  11. I'll give everyone my garage code and they can come by whenever to see my tank. Don't mind us if we're eating dinner or watching a movie, just walk right by us and go take a look at the tank. [emoji12]
  12. How long have you been in the hobby now? 12 years Did you start in freshwater, or go directly to saltwater? Saltwater baby! How did you find out about ARC? I think a google search back in 2007. Did you buy your setup online or at a LFS (Local Fish Store)? Neither, craigslist, and many parts from other reefers on the club. Did you have difficulty when first starting, or was it easy-breezy? Like butter... nice and smooth. Where did you learn the most on how to get started in the hobby? Nanoreef... had a nanocube for 5 years when I first started. Did you seek help from other hobbyists? Same as on ARC, I was a nanoreef newbie and asked lots of questions. Did you seek help from a LFS? No, liked doing my own research... big surprise! Did you seek help from websites? Which ones? wetwebmedia was useful back in the day, as well as reefkeeping. If you had been aware of a mentoring program before you started, would you have been open to help from the start? not if I knew FarmerTy and Timfish were the only choices for mentors... How could we as a community have helped you be more successful from the start? Have instructional videos that explains basic processes on how to setup a tank, how to acclimate corals/fish, how to do a water change, how to test my water, etc.
  13. Looks like a peanut worm... Harmless and actually helpful.
  14. That's cool about finding the little clam. It says a whole lot about your system to be able to have those thrive in your tank. Glad your tank is turning the corner!
  15. Don't mention sand around ol'aggie. It increases his blood pressure!
  16. Pretty sure Ty has those blue prints Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk What a coincidence! I just ordered my Apex disco ball yesterday!
  17. How about one peppermint angel instead?
  18. That update was overdue sir! Tank looks good! What's the beaming orangy-yellowey-reddish thing on the rock? [emoji6] My favorite part of the update is that you answered a question Mlaw posted two years ago. [emoji4]
  19. Maybe make some water and put it in a happy tank and see what it does? [emoji6]
  20. Bpb, Wouldn't that be as simple as your nutrients have no place to go because your clean-up crew and fishes remove any sign of algae before it can uptake nutrients? The skimmer will remove as much DOCs before they break down into nitrates and phosphates but once they are broken down, it does nothing. If you are still getting nitrates at really high levels without any algal growth, you've either limited one of the things it needs to grow, carbon, nitrates, or phosphates or your crew/fish mow it down so fast that it can't be used up. To me, that indicates to either allow some algae to grow to uptake some nutrients, do more water changes, run a fuge/ATS, or employ a nutrient removal strategy specific for the nutrient, such as carbon dosing/sulfur denitritator for the nitrates or aluminum oxide/GFO for the phosphates. I will say my nitrates were in the 20 ppm range for 3-4 months with no ill effect to the acros other than they were a little browner than I prefer. I still think all your recent deaths were due mainly to AEFW... not anything to do with your system. But, that's just off of what I remember of your system.
  21. You're the wrasse king Rob, you guys will have to arm wrestle for the title if he goes that route.
  22. Yeah, I was surprised when I put a large tube of superglue on there and it said it shipped free. It was only $20 for the order so always worth a try to see if it ships free.
  23. I find the best deals on eBay for frag plugs and discs... though I usually buy in bulk.
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