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Everything posted by Jimbo

  1. as a James Robert myself, I don't know if I should take offense to this or not If you do name him something as totally awesome as James Robert, at least for his sake, Dallas is not on the air anymore . And he could have a totally cool nickname, like Jimbo
  2. Hmmm...I think you missed the part about them inducing if not born by the 14th. That would be a LONG labor. I guess May 12th at 8:30pm.
  3. why not try something like plastic clothes hangers, cut to size. Or you can also get some fiberglass rods (with reflectors) from Home Depot or Lowes. Just cut to size. They are just about as rigid, maybe more so, than the acrylic rods.
  4. I could use some GFO. Let me take a look and I will PM you what I want. Thanks, Jim
  5. I'd try the glue traps as well. That's what ABC used in combination with the snap traps in the drop ceiling at my work. You could surround the trap that he has gotten comfortable eating from with the glue traps, also baited with peanut butter. Or you could put the snap trap on the glue trap, and even if he gets the food from the snapper, you still got him stuck.
  6. I have my main tank in the entry hallway (110 gal) with a hole punched in the wall behind to the garage. That's where I have my sump with skimmer, pumps, ballasts, frag tanks, ATO, and RO unit. It is also conveniently placed near my W/D hookup for water source and drain. I'm going on my second summer with it setup like this. No heater was necessary in the winter months, and during the summer, I noticed no significant temp increase that couldn't be handled by blowing a fan across the sump. Now, the garage will get extra humid in the summer months because that is where all the evap is going to take place, so if it is something that you are planning on doing, make sure you plan for the drywall to rot out if not protected (water barrier paint of some kind). You might also plan on incorporating a vent of some kind to help remove the excess humidity to the outside, like a bathroom fan. It won't last too long with the salt, but that is much cheaper to have to replace periodically than having damage to your walls. I'll try to take some pics this evening. Hope this helps. Jim
  7. I'll add Canary Wrasse (sometimes mis-named yellow Coris Wrasse) to the list. The one I am referring to is solid yellow in color with a black eye spot on the dorsal fin. Halichoeres chrysus.
  8. I used some corrugated plastic tubing that is with the sump pumps at home depot. It's black and flexible, yet also wide enough for lots of flow. It fits over a standard 1" PVC like most over the tank overflows have. Then clamp in place.
  9. Looks kinda like a purple bonsai to me. Could be wrong, but in my limited experience, it does.
  10. Jimbo

    Mangrove Seeds

    Okay. I got my 10. Thanks Laura. Jim
  11. Jimbo

    Mangrove Seeds

    Hey Laura. I am going to get in the car and come grab mine in a few minutes.
  12. Well, that solves a mystery for me. I was going to ask today what those white round things were all over my glass.
  13. I agree, looks like Pavona to me too. Spreads to anything it can touch, and seems to win many coral battles.
  14. It's only bad when you see the red ones eating the white ones. That's when you know you have a problem.
  15. Hmmm. I have to respectfully disagree (based on speculation, not fact) with the statement that the waste water has the impurities of 6 gallons (using your reference). Since the water path through the RO/DI system goes tap > pre-filter > carbon block > RO membrane > DI with the waste coming directly after the first 2 filters (or one, depending on the filter setup). So, I would argue (perhaps incorrectly) that the water would still be significantly better that the source water, with the added benefit of having chlorine removed by the carbon block (again, if configured in the RO/DI system). I'd be happy to hook up a TDI meter to the waste port on mine and to the source to see what the difference is. Now, that being said, the concentration of the minerals in the waste may be different from the source. This depends on the make-up of the source and what can be filtered due to size in the pre-filters. Like, there may be a concentration of heavy metals that make it through the sediment block and carbon block (this is speculation, no example here) that would normally be removed by the RO membrane. This would end up in the waste. Again, this is how I believe it SHOULD function, but I am just speculating. Jim
  16. Jimbo

    Mangrove Seeds

    Hi. I'd like to jump in on this and get 10 or so. If I need to get more or less to get the right number to order, so be it, but please include me. Assuming I am not too late, if I am, I can wait. Thanks. Jim
  17. Practice makes perfect. Thanks to all for the congratulations, and of course, my congrats go out to all those in my situation. Any one up for a type of birthday pool? Like a football score pool, but with dates and times (expecting mother or father excluded...I've heard stories of how my father cleaned up by me being a planned C-section ).
  18. Hey everybody. I've seen a few posts here and there with people expecting kids. Just wondering who all was expecting, as it gives a new thing to use as an excuse to get together to talk reef, uh, I mean kids . My wife and I are expecting our second daughter on May 27th, and we are in Northwest Austin near Parmer and McNeil. Jim
  19. Do you need it to be new, or just looking for a 20? I have at least one, and a 30 (or 2) if you can do a little cleanup on the tank. Nothing major, just some dirt and spiders...after sitting in the garage for a while, it does tend to attract creepies. I can take a look at the actual glass to see if there are any scratches, but never did as I was intending them to be used as sumps or frag tanks. If you want either (cheap to free), let me know. I work central. Jim
  20. I know majanos can glow green. Just as much of a pest as aiptasia. If you didn't add it to the tank, and it looks like an anemone, I'd get rid of it.
  21. If you still have the Mag 5, I'll take it. Sending PM
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