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Everything posted by BobcatReefer

  1. Screaming green birdsnest from Juiceman The paly/zoa zone. Far left are from Just Reef, Candy Apples from scubasteve, ones on the right from Dan - Scrambled Eggs and ?? Idea is to have that whole area grown in over time. Might need to add another frag or two. Red monti (?) from the ARC meeting at Just Reef - ended up breaking it, so there's 2 frags back there. Peach Toadstool Leather from Juiceman Blue fuzzy schooms from PeeperKeeper and Superman Rhodactis, the big one that is splitting from ozarkawater, other 3 from Wes. Blue shrooms from Wes, think the zoas are from Just Reef. Mystic Sunset Monti from Dan Tyree Undata, also from Dan. Hoping it encrusts that whole wall. Palmer's blue Mille from Juiceman (not bleached out - just the pic) (??) monti from Just Reef
  2. Acro from the ARC meeting at Just Reef Monti (pretty sure it's from Just Reef) Branching Hammer (Wes Daniels) Acans - hopefully they all grow together eventually. Some from Just Reef, some from another ARC poster (can't recall screenname) Alien Eye Chalice from Isaac Bubble Coral from same ARC member I got some of those Acans from. Right 1/3 has been grumpy for a while - hopefully it cheers up soon. Frogspawn from Wes -seems fairly cheery these days. Lonestar Leather from Juiceman Duncan from KimP, GSP from Wes Rogue Pocillipora branch I knocked off the colony (phamily)
  3. Corals have been doing really well. The Wall Hammer bit the dust pretty quick from the brown jelly disease, but other than that, everyone seems pretty happy. I'm definitely getting better at gluing/epoxying/mounting frags w/ practice! Probably running out of room soon, but I have my eye on a couple more... I think it's pretty cool that most all of my corals have come from other posters on here. Just another reason this place is great!
  4. Swapped out the bulbs that came w/ my light for ATI ones - 2 blue +, 2 coral +. Probably a bit too blue and might pick up a white to swap out. We'll see how things look in a month or 3 when fish are back in the tank. Was picking up a purchase at another poster's house and he offered up his UV filter when he heard I had some disease issues, so I have that hooked up now:
  5. Alrighty...little update time. Started dosing 2 part a couple of weeks ago. 15ml of each, every other day: Alk started around 7.3-7.5, hit a high of 8.68 the 2 or 3 days ago, and was 8.18 today. Just got a Ca checker last week and it was 461 today. What should my target range be for these? pH is 7.78 Phosphates at .05 Feeding AquaVitro Fuel and Reef Chili every 4 days (Fuel - 2pt - Chili - 2pt - repeat)
  6. That's not even a question. The sump is dead sexy, so figure out what your new skimmer is going to be!
  7. It's neon green stringy stuff and appears to be part of the mushroom. I tried to siphon it off with a turkey baster last night, and it's definitely part of the shroom.
  8. Is the big Superman on the top left trying to die or reproduce/split?
  9. He looks exactly like the one in the vid of the worm in my sump. Cameras and flashes and water and glass and all that.
  10. After snatching it up out of there, I can confirm it's a fireworm. Or, at least it's not the same type of bristleworm I was dealing with previously. Shorter, fatter, considerably slower - this guy was easy as hell to catch. Definitely had the fuzzy cilae, which those others didn't have.
  11. Aaaand definitely fireworms, and definitely in my DT.
  12. Thanks John - all the things I've done are because of what I've read and learned on here. Even though I've had a FOWLR for 15+ yrs, I was/am clueless to the reef world. I chuckle a bit at you saying how I have an attention to detail, when I didn't take my QT seriously until all my fish died of disease because I didn't QT. Pretty much everything I'm doing right today, is because I screwed it up yesterday. Anyway, no sand in the QT:
  13. Pretty sure it's a bearded fireworm. Doesn't look anything like the worms I had before - these (pretty sure the pic and vid are separate worms) are red w/ white fuzzies. Not sure how I'd try and remove them anyway - no way to easily access that depth of the fuge. This is a pretty spot-on ID of what I have now, vs what I had previously: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_KbY2-hV_4
  14. Dangit!!! Worm sighting! On the plus side, my pods be poppin!
  15. hmmm....might have a baby torch growing in the fuge?
  16. For sure man - ask away! Everything I learned was from being in that same position and asking folks online. This place is a great resource!
  17. Got it - take the symbols out and just use the numbers.
  18. I sent pm - couldn't figure out number either.
  19. Well, at least it's in the fuge where I can hope to cut out a clump of chaeto and pull it out in one fell swoop.
  20. Looks like it needed to turn itself inside out for a minute...
  21. Meanwhile, in the DT, everyone is happy as all get out. The wall hammer bit the dust pretty quicklike, but it appears the brown jelly didn't spread (fingers crossed). Not sure what's going on w/ the Superman Rhodactis - never seen that before. Blue fuzzy shroom and GSP at the end were wedged into some crevices to see if I liked them on that side of the tank and fell out. Need to get them, and a couple of single paly polyps that got busted off by the urchins, glued down this weekend. All in all, tank is doing great! *knocks on wood*
  22. I've been so nervous w/ this QT deal the whole time, and especially about the Helfrichi. I've had at least a half dozen firefish over the years, but never been able to keep one alive for more than a week or so. The last week or so he's been hiding a lot and looking lethargic, not really going after food, so I've been ready to fear the worst. It doesn't help that he can find the absolute best hiding spots in the tank - mind you this is a 20g long that's on my dining room table...I can see every angle pretty easily! Sunday I pulled a bunch of the diffuser and pvc to force him out in the open a bit more so I could see if he was eating and just keep a bit of a better eye on him. Added some cyclopeeze to the food mix too, and he went after it, so I'm going to keep that up. This morning, I was convinced the Bermuda Tank was back! Couldn't find him ANYWHERE and I was just beside myself - how does this happen? If he died and the clowns went cuc on him, surely there would be body parts laying around the tank. The tank has been covered the whole time, so no jumping. Moved the diffuser platform and last piece of pvc to see if he was hiding in there...nope. WTF?!?!?! Came back after taking a shower and the bastid is right there in the middle of the tank!! Houdini Helfrichi! I can't take 2 more months of this!
  23. Anyone else read these threads every week just for the coral pron?
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