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Everything posted by offroadodge

  1. Having Hospital coffee with my husband this morning Physical Therapy should be in today to start trying to get J up on crutches but other then that we're just hanging out. I have to run some errands and talk to insurance people so if you want to come visit I'm sure he would more than appreciate the company. Thank you all again for the prayers, we have been so blessed through all this. They have moved us up to room 408 which they referred to as "med-surg" Basically the general population of the hospital. It is a way less intensive unit and they only come in every 4 hours at night to check vitals instead of every 45 minutes We also now have our own bathroom with a door instead of windows that everyone in the hospital can see through and a shower (finally!). He's attempting to wean himself off of the pain meds which may slow down his movement a little bit but if he can learn to manage the pain without the drugs then it will ultimatly help him get back to life at home. This was his choice, not the doctors so if he starts needing them again he is able to get them. Currently he is off the morphine and valium and his last Percoset was at 10 last night. So far he is doing pretty well. Hopefully the pain doesn't get unbearable when he starts moving around. You all are too kind for offering food! We do have a freezer in the garage that we could store food in so if you want to do that just call us and we can give you the garage code. Thanks again for all the prayers and support and vistis! They have been wonderful! I can't answer the tank questions but I'm sure that J will be on here later today. Whit
  2. thanks Mark for taking care of my PPODS

    1. mcallahan


      anything you need man! Get better..I'll come visit on Wednesday

  3. well the lastest update is.... the surgery went well. The only thing the Doctor was worrie about was my L5 vertabrae (it was chipped). Concern was the pressure may have the possibility to paralized my left leg. But I had the best doc n town to do the surgery and he said all is well now. LOTS of pain but should be ok in 10-12wks. Shld be here in hospital till friday. Ill continue to update. Just need to Dose the tank and check the ATO.
  4. Thanks Everyone! They ORDERED Jeremy to get up just a few hours after surgery He was more then ready after being flat on his back since Friday! He was pretty dizzy for a while after sitting up but was able to stand with the help of a walker. They want him to start using the crutches tomorrow morning and even said that if he can get up and move around on crutches he may go home tomorrow. We don't have any allergies, Thanks for asking! J said he like chicken breast, spaghetti, lasagna, stews...He's not too picky as long as it's not vegan or healthy I can't thank you all enough for all of your support! PRAYER WORKS!!!!! God Bless, Whitney
  5. Out of Surgery!

    1. August


      glad the surgery is done... speedy recovery man!!

  6. Thank you everyone for your prayers and support! God is an awesome God! Jeremy was in and out of surgery in less then an hour! Dr. siad he did great no problems at all. Depending on his pain level he could be up on crutches tonight. They think he will be discharged before Friday and if all continues to go well there may not be a need for inpatient rehab so he could go straight home! He ended up with 2 screws and 2 wires. Now the challenge will be keeping him on crutches for 10-12 weeks....if he gets off too early and jacks with the fix it could mean months of traction! Whitney
  7. Surgery is a go. Headed to PRe Op at 6, best case out of recovery by 10

    1. dapettit


      Good Luck!

    2. Laura


      Godspeed J...

  8. lol this is whitney again....please know he was heavily drugged while typing that last post...
  9. ok well the countdown begins, i have 1 hour and 25 min until i have to fast for the surgery. i guess the easy way to put it is the right side of my hip in the sacrum area is broken in half and on the left side towards the front it (the Hip) is cracked. Doc said that the surgery could take 1 hr up to 6hr depending on how bad it realy is when he gets in there. the pain if bad enuff that they gave me 50cc of morphine back to back within 10 minute and 2 valume pills and that didnt even put a dent in the pain. Its cause its a bone pain. Its 10:38 now and i get one more round of meds B4 fasting, they are gonna give me PERCASET. Hopefully that tides mr over till i get shippd out at 6am to begin surgery. Ill send updates after the surgery. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE an the PRAYERS!!!
  10. ok, until now its been my wife typing.last night was a very long night, I have had so much morphine and valume that i have lost track. I can handle pain fairly well but this takes the cake. so hopefully everything goes well tomorow in surgery. I'll update as it goes.thanku all for the prayers.
  11. Thanks Hydro, I'm not sure how to hook up a wii but you could bring it if you wanted to try. Does it require any movement of his belly/lower back, if not it may be a great idea. He was riding his 4 wheeler Friday and flipped it sliding around a corner. Those who saw it said that the atv landed on his helmet first and then his hips. Jeremy doesn't remember it landing on his head. Thank God for the helmet. A friend said that the 4 wheeler didn't have a scratch on it. He was at Hidden Falls Adventure Park in Marble Falls. Whit
  12. Thanks guys. he tried the laptop thing but it put too much pressure on his belly. HIs brothers i phone is sufficing for the time being
  13. Ha! Chris that's funny. The urologist cleared him for the time being. He was able to eat a whopper and some fries with a chocolate milkshake and was given another valium to help wiht pain/ tension. He is resting currently and is way less irritable. The nurse is looking into getting him a trapeze so that he may be able to shift himself without using his lower body ( because that is currently impossible). They will be getting surgery schedule to us on Sunday and he will likely be in the hospital another 5-7 days after the surgery. His parents, twin brother, nephew and son are here so that seems to help keep his mind off the pain when he is awake. His mood is much improved after food and family. Now taking suggestions for good ways to pass time in a hospital bed..... Thanks again for your prayers. Things are much less stressful then they were last night. Your prayers are working! Thank You Again! Whitney
  14. Hey Everyone, This Is J's wife Whitney. Thank you all for your prayers and supports. They have decided they will do surgery to put in some screws on Monday. It is a blessing and a curse at the same time. The blessing being that there will be some relief from the pain after the surgery, the curse being that he has to go under the knife. He will be non weight bearing for 10-12 weeks on his right leg. The Ortho Surgeon was able to convince the trauma doctors to leave him in the IMC Unit instead of moving him to a less intensive care unit. He is stable but the pain caused by moving him is excruciating right now so we are both thankful that he can stay where he is. His main complaints are that he can't get comfortable, is bored silly and hungry. They won't let him eat until the urologist clears him. They are worried he may have a tear in his bladder. Unfortanutley Seton RR does not staff a urologist full time but "shares" one with other hospitals so it may be a while before that happens. He hasn't eaten since lunch yesterday and combined with the pain that makes him a little irritable. He is sleeping off and on but if anyone is in the area and want to visit this weekend we are in room 231 at Seton RR ( 1431 and 1460 by Texas State Round Rock). Thanks again for the support and prayers.
  15. Surgery on Monday :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Laura


      WE LOVE YA J!!!!

    3. August


      thoughts are with and prayers for a speedy recovery.... *hugs*

    4. mcallahan


      would a frag help your recovery? :-D

  16. in hospital, bad news broken hip

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mcallahan


      sorry man! LMK if you need me to bring you anything

    3. dapettit


      Same here LMK if you need anything.

    4. August


      yeah ditto if yall need anything we are here to help as well!! I make good lasagna ask Mark lol :) get well soon man!

  17. can i got? ill carry the bags..LOL

  18. I have the 2x4s when do i start? Hydro- u think this chiller is more efficient that JBJ titanium 1/4h and what kinda flow does it require
  19. contact Chda and Belinda on here, they have some live rock cheap. Good to have you here. Your salty tank will transform as it goes, the HOB filters and skimmer will work for now but as you venture into the world of coral it will turn into a sump. But for now everything sounds good. ENJOY, everyone here is realy great people
  20. wanting to see if anyone has an extra CO2 bottle? LMK
  21. headed out to try and mow....uuuggghhhh...

  22. which ones are u gonna buy, when the other 3 come out IM IN for sure!!! CAL,KH,Nitrate
  23. i think the economy has hit the coral trade. Not like it used to be.

    1. mcallahan


      and there is a glut of supply here in central TX. Too much supply means depressed cost.

    2. dapettit


      I know I'm selling a coral that sells for $66.00 an inch for $50 with several branching pieces on one frag plug.

    3. Erik!


      LOL I can't sell ANYTHING! Last year I was paying my rent in coral sales, I started an online website and everything. This year, nada. Alot of our LFS are tanking here, some of which have been around for decades.

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