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Everything posted by offroadodge

  1. better 2 wait on these than the alternative of the wrong ones...LOL
  2. i have a PM reactor as well. Wouldnt mind buyn yours for parts, but dont know if willing to sell.
  3. I bet the vendor will make it right for ya, just contact them.
  4. glad to have you back, now you can do it the way u have learned from the 1st time. Meaning usually the 1st one you realize what you shouls have done differently. Tht what happened to me on my 1st 76G, when i built the 120G it has been very successful, i just hopeing that it will transfer to my new 200G. Good luck!!!
  5. thanks for the controller worked like a charm
  6. ill take the tunze controller,its a wave controller? PM sent
  7. defntly cool to have someone representing ARC. Great work Mark.
  8. IMO, its all personal preference on the look and color you like. On a 55G anything from 6-8 T5s or MH (250W) will work. Also where you place the species. Whats your end result of what you want the tank to be? If stonies then more light. If softies less light. This is JMO, im not a professional, but i did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night....LOL
  9. so LOWES had plenty, thanks for the reply.
  10. i know the feeling. i too have the same issue, im tryn to keep cut till i get new tank up for transfer
  11. anyone know where this can be purchased locally, gonna try the usual LOWES and HOME DEPOT tomorow..LMK
  12. Defntly coming along nicely, My next big purchase is gonna be liverock...
  13. Mark, have Megan give my wife a call. Sent PM
  14. RR Donuts is where we got our wedding and groomsmen cakes. They did a realy good job. And believe it or not HEB can make some pretty good cakes.
  15. gonna try and move the tank and stand together like the Mayans did to build the pyramids

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. joshdmartin


      make sure the dowels are made out of some hard wood so they dont flatten out..

    3. mhart032


      furniture dollies work great that's how i moved mine full of water.

    4. offroadodge


      it moved SO easy this away i had to take it slow cause it would almost roll just barely pushing it.

  16. gonna try and move tank and stand like the Myans moved rock to build pyramids

  17. my wife is having a wine tasteing today at 3 if anyones interested

  18. anyone work in a machine shop on here?

    1. mcallahan


      I'm a machine and I work in my own "shop"...

    2. offroadodge


      he,he,he...i got the problem solved this morning.

  19. HOORAY..Thanks to all the serving and fallen past and present!!!

  20. @MATT-yes im gonna tape every seam off, 1st clean all the glass, tape-off edges, re-clean glass, START... Here is a teaser, the wife and I dummy'd up the tank to see how the fit is. It was all good and WOW its beautiful!!!
  21. i didnt have hardly and cycle with the rock i got last time, and critters NOTHING...guess i got lucky. Atleast with nothing in the tank but new rock and sandbed, if i see a rock thats an issue i can just take care of it. I think the big key may be to NOT get liverock locally. Majhonos and amtasia are crazy here local. I will put the new rock in a brute trash can with water and scrub and blow off any debree i can before i put it in the new tank. Lighting may be my only thing, since im gonna use my light i have presently on the new tank i wont be able to use it while the new tank is cycling. Maybe just room light and ambiant daylight will do for this. IDK im sure that i will go threw the headaches of a new tank and not want anyone over to see it for a few months. Time will tell. KEVIN- did i give you the itch to get your big tank going?
  22. my thought was that id get 100 more pounds of cured LR from the same place i got my rock last time, put and inch or so of crushed coral in bottom and 100#s and start the tank, adjust levels-break in skimmer, and just figure out my flow pattern W/O any corals or fish in new tank. Once its where i want it move everythng CORALS,ROCK, and rest of EQUIPMENT. whatcha think?
  23. @TEG- so once you start the silicone it depends alot on humidity as to how long you have before the silicone starts to skin over, and with the humidity here when i glued the overflow box on it took literally 2 minutes before it started to skin over, that being said my wife will take some pics but as far as tryn to get a piece by piece pictures IDK if its possible. Ill try, there are some YOUTUBE videos of guys putting tanks together in literally 7 minutes start to finish. One the back glass and one side glass is together its a one man operation, it holds itself together. Tryn to wipe the edges and get a good bead laid down will be my main objective. There is 10 minutes MAX before you should be pretty close to all put together. Then strap it top and bottom to hold it as tight as possible until dry (7-10 days) I will probly wait atleast the maximum before i water test it. A little update, not much but i got all the inside primed tonight. Planning on doing the outside tomorow night, then the next night sand it and bring it inside. Im going to paint it once the tank is built ontop and trim board is on. That being said this weekend is a long weekend for me so im gonna attempt to build the tank then. Once thats done im gonna build the canopy and the "H" brackets on the back to have linear actuators lift the hood off of the tank. ALOT of things to do still. If anyone has an extra WAVEBOX controller there not using i may hit you up to borrow it while im cycling the new rock and sandbed, that will be a month or more away.
  24. ok, well i had to go to FtWorth yesterday so i didnt get to work on the stand till today. I started at 8am and finished just a little bit ago. Finish work has to be done now. The board that is missing at the top is going to be installed once the tank is on top of the stand. All 3 doors were hand made, the one on the end is where the electronics will go, and the holes in the back of the stand is where all the plumbing and chiller lines will come in and out of. Here are some pics... @BALLISTIC: it may be awhile, probly after i get back from Iowa in June. 1st of July. I still have to build the canopy and the lifting device.
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