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Everything posted by ACampbell

  1. For all you guitar players that are techies too.
  2. Some kind of dye in the spine. I read about it in one of the coral magazines but don't recall all the details. Just have to be careful.
  3. How's 4:30? still have my addy?
  4. Yea, they tend to leave a temporary tattoo also. luckily this species is not venomous.
  5. Not sure on your project, but I'm an ArcGIS person. LMK if I can help.
  6. mine came to $0? did you check the 5-7 day?
  7. Agreed. I can't believe I use to dose every day. In fact. I didn't. I simply forgot. Gabe, I didn't know about mag pellets. I'll have to try it out.
  8. They eat most kinds of algae. I got it when my tank was going through the initial brown phase. They are a good clean up crew power player. The cons are that you could poke yoursef on their spines and it hurts.
  9. Haven't heard a word from Sean. Back up for grabs.
  10. Hey guarajoe. I'm not real sure about the splash guard. Just go about it carefully. You could buy another stock fan here. Maybe even another splash guard.
  11. Click Add reply, then use this button to link to your images in photo bucket. You can also upload them as an attachment using the section below the reply window.
  12. http://maast.org/forums/showthread.php?t=39133
  13. Not that anyone really cares, but I was able to catch the leopard wrasse using the classic fish trap of a glass with the cut end of a water bottle jammed in. Works like a charm. Guess the leopard will be living in my fuge for a while. The clowns are doing good and seem to be hosting my wave box. I think it's because the pods are way easy for them to eat there.
  14. Well after 24 hours no luck. I will just let them be for now and hope they don't get picked on too much. I may try again in the distant future if they don't host it naturally.
  15. I'll hold it for you Sean. Sent you a PM.
  16. Oddly enough I got this back from dieselndixie back when my tank was going though a brown alge cycle. It's all long gone now and I need to pass this urchine along to the next person in need. It's bigger than it was in the picture. The base has probably a 3 inch diameter with 4 or 5 inche spines. I can let it go for $10, pick up only.
  17. They were sold to me as regular ORA percula's, but they do have very nice stripes.
  18. Got some new clowns. They have been in the tank for a week and are well acclimated. Lately my leopard wrasse has been terrorizing them, so I thought I would introduce them to the anemone were they could seek refuge. I put the clowns in a deli cup and rubber banded it inverted above the anemone to the rock. There is still plenty of flow as I can see the anemone moving around like normal. This is not something I would recommend others to try. If they don't take to it fairly quickly I will just let them be as I don't want to stress them out. Taken with my iPhone: I'll let you know how it goes.
  19. If you have a hard time finding a professional, I don't mind stopping by to have a look. Just shoot me a PM.
  20. Its dependent on your post count. The more you have the better your rank.
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