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Everything posted by Jimbo662

  1. Sorry to hear that. I was expecting complete loss.
  2. I was one of the fortunate ones. Wrapped it in a thick blanket and used a battery powered air pump. Temp got down to 59 and some how I didn't lose a single fish or coral.
  3. Newest addition to the tank.
  4. Time for a quick video of my little flower garden.
  5. Hey Chris! I got the pump before even thinking about the plumbing. I just picked one that I knew would be able more than what I would need and could handle anything I would end up doing. I was running the Varios 6 and I think I had it set in the high 50% range.
  6. Thanks...coming along slowly but surely.
  7. Took a quick top down video after feeding the corals today.
  8. Update time...seems the best times are right after I've vacuumed the sand and it's looking nice and clean. This time I used a yellow filter lens on my phone. Still have some frags on the sand. I'm going to be putting some of them on 2" frag disks and of course getting some more. Then I'll have to figure out where they all go.
  9. Slowly coming along. Added a few more corals this week. got some blasto's, a duncan head and some chalices.
  10. Thanks...that's what I was going for.
  11. The lid FINALLY arrived...it's like Christmas in July! I can finally take good pics of the tank with the new lid on it!!! I had been using a full sheet of the clear netting with all the sides weighted down.
  12. Nothing in the tank was affected by the treatment. The clove polyps seemed to disappear after several days...but both times eventually came back. I even tried scrubbing them with a toothbrush but it didn't seem to help.
  13. I got them in my tank about 2 yrs ago. I tried fenbendazole. They disappeared...until a month or so later and they reappeared! Treated again and same result. Eventually just removed the rocks they were on.
  14. Step by step the tank is making progress. Zoa's have been in for at leas 2 weeks and are nice and fluffy so I figured it was time for the next one to go it. The alveopora seems to be happy...it was open in about 5 min after going in. Still trying to get the last of the fish.
  15. I really like it...almost the only thing I've ever used. It locks together very well so you don't really need to find other methods to get them to stay in place.
  16. It's just the reef saver rock from BRS.
  17. Light is in...I'm done for a while! Now just be patient until I can start moving some corals in.
  18. One of the last pieces to the puzzle. Still need to install the cabinet lighting and UV. Now just waiting for the nutrients to increase a little before I move any of the corals in.
  19. Unfortunately not all of the wires are long enough to allow me to attached the controllers to the front.
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