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Posts posted by OU12004

  1. This is a 29 gallon tank with 4 24 inch t5 bulbs 2 ati blue +, 1 purple +, and an aqua blue special.

    I do not dose anything and I do not test. I used to test and dose weekly but found that I did more damage than good and almost all of my tank crashes were from me chasing parameters. I do 10% water changes once a week religiously and if I see any algae will usually do 15 to 20% water change.

    I run chemi pure elite in the filter and change every 2 months other than that I have a Tunze A.T.O which is something I could not live with out.

    I have found the more consistent I am the better the tank does.

    • Like 1
  2. I think some of the display tanks at aquadome use them, too. But I don't think they are really set up for viewing at build my led. When I called she told me that the website is very true to what you'd see in real life. If your monitor shows colors right.

    Thanks for the info I stopped by the Dome and they did have the BMLED's on some of their tanks. They look good and I also really liked the Kessil lights they had on their clam tank, but I think I am going to go with the Reef Breeder Proton 48"

  3. Have you checked out the build my led 20K strips? Some of the best color I have seen.

    I would hang the canopy / light fixture from the ceiling.

    You should be able to get away with 1 WP40 instead of 2 wp25's unless you end up with some dead spots. It's more than enough in my 90 gallon without any additional

    Just checked out the Build my LED, I like that they are in Austin and I may be able to go see them and what the colors are like.

  4. I am planning on a rimless 100 gallon tank with a custom stand and canopy

    Planning on Cadlight tank and sump
    Protein skimmer

    Reefbreeder Photon 48

    1 Jebao RW-15 wave makers

    I am set on the tank but I am trying to decide on how to connect the canopy to stand.


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  5. All 3 reds and both green shrooms are taken 2 PSP are spoken for. Still have 1PSP left if anyone wants it.

    I am always looking for some good Karma so I will donate to both packs if someone sets it up.

  6. I was afraid someone was going to call me out on missing the meeting... let alone the big chief himself! Haha.

    I will have some things to donate to the charity frag pack if we get this going.


    Great idea!

    We should totally incorporate this into our December meeting. Bring something for donation to a charity and bring a small frag as a freebie for anyone who wants it. I'm sure we'll get a pretty good new members turnout with that for that meeting.


    You missed the meeting this past Saturday?!? Booooo!

    I still like the idea of sharing corals though. The idea was also mentioned that we could create a "frag pack" of the corals, and people picking up packs could give a $5 donation to thehttp://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/22444-the-nature-conservancy-adopt-a-coral-reef/#entry183619'> Nature Conservancy Adopt-A-Reef drive. I'm open to whatever the club members want to do.

    I've got plenty of Devils Hand leathers and pieces of Anthelia to contribute to the pack.

    We could do a Dirty Santa with coral. I think that would be a well attended meeting. I have a half Rainbow half Pokerstar Monti frag that I will put in.

  7. I want to give some frags away, nothing expensive, as nothing I have that is expensive is ready to frag but I think it would be cool if everyone posted a frag to gift for the holidays.

    Please let me know if you would like 1. The first is a plating Star Polyp (much to my chagrin this is always the coral people like in my tank)


    BKgS2l.jpg I have 3 but only 1 has the Stony growth in it. (I could break it in half if there is enough interest)The other 2 are the soft Plates

    I also have 2 loose green rhodactis Mushrooms and 2 Metalic reds



  8. I just finished a nano contest on a another forum and in that one the tank was allowed to cycle but no coral or livestock could be added before the start date then an item had to be put into the tank and a phrase was placed in front and everyone had to post that pic. I think this allowed people to not rush the cycle and was better for the inhabitants. Anyways I will be following along and good luck to everyone

  9. George, you are right that most fans here are great, but every team has fans that don't represent well. OU fans included. I have noticed on both sides that it is usually the fans who didn't actually go to school there that feel compelled to comment.

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