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Posts posted by OU12004

  1. I'd heed Victoly's advice. As your sand settles and sorts itself, the tendency is for the larger grains to be driven to the bottom and the finer grains to be pushed towards the top. Mix in larger grains all you want but eventually, they'll settle down and all you'll have is a base layer of the larger sand you added and then the fine black sand still at the top, getting blown around. Basically, you'll end up with the same result but by the time it actually occurs in your system, you'll have fish and corals to complicate the removal of the sand.

    Yea some times it is better to just admit you messed up and start over. Any ideas for black sand that is larger than 5mm

  2. I added 80 pounds of CaribSea black sand and it is way to light and is getting blown off all the way to the glass bottom, any ideas on what to do about this. Can't beleive I got to this part of the build and messed up on the sand. I really do not want to have to have to take it out and start over.

  3. I'm using the pellets that came with the reactor. I've looked around and can't figure out what, if any, off the shelf brand is the same. Seem to be a little larger than BRS but smaller than the NP XL's.

    I would just avoid anything that is a sphere or oval and smooth like the NPX. If they're cylindrical shape, or uneven shaped, they should be fine. If the reactor never shuts off I think it would be less likely to clog as well.

    I just have my reactor in the same compartment as my skimmer and it works fine. From what I've read it doesn't matter where they are in relationship to each other as long as there is a skimmer in a tank. I would keep it the way you currently have it.

    Do you have your reactor setup to recirculate the water? I currently have mine setup to run directly into the skimmer and will need to rework the plumbing to have it recirulate and go into the skimmer chamber. Do you think that is worth the effort?

  4. Very nice. This should look awesome once your get coral filling it in. I've always liked the island look with or without sand.

    I'm assuming you're using cadlights or other pellets, but do not use TLF NPX pellets with that reactor. Once they start to wear down, they perfectly fit in the holes at the bottom and clog it up. Burned my pump out on mine and it took a ridiculous amount of work to clean the holes out because they're not very accessible.

    You probably don't need to plumb the reactor directly into the skimmer but wouldn't hurt either way. I still really like running pellets. Seems like it's a mixed bag depending on the nutrient input / export capabilities of a tank. You may really benefit since there's not going to be much export without a sandbed or other area for denitrification.


    Thanks for the advice, what pellets worked for you? I was looking at the NP biopellets all in one or the BRS pellets, have you tried either of these?

    I wanted to go bare bottom but the wife is making me get sand because she thinks the bottom looks dirty, I currently have the return going into the skimmer chamber, should I rework the return to go directly into the skimmer?

  5. Thanks KimP and Bpb.

    I am looking for live rock and was considering going to TBS and ordering their live rock, has anyone ordered from there?

    Anywhere else I should look at for live rock?

    * Answered my own question Fishey Business has some really nice live rock if anyone is looking locally. I got some Pukani rock and it great.

  6. Got the doors from Rockler and got the first coat of paint on, but of course we ran out of paint and the store did not get any paint in this week. Hopefully they will get some paint in next week and I get this tank wet finally.

    By the way does anyone know how the plumbing on a Cadlight tank goes together since they didn't send any directions and they are not answering my emails?

  7. Here is the tank on the unfinished stand my friend and I built over the wekkend. I never could find someone to build it for me so we just did ourselves.


    Does anyone know where I can buy some custom doors locally. I found some on line but they will not be delivered for 3-4 weeks

  8. Got the tank after 40 days but no protein skimmer, pump, or filter media. Called and I was told a story about the skimmer not being made anymore but they did not make the new model yet, so they were going to make one of the old models. So they have to build the old model and send it. They also said the order was delayed so they could send the new model pump they were ordering. Tank looks good but customer service is a disappointment. I sure hope nothing goes wrong because getting something fixed might be a problem.

  9. Ordered the Photon 48 and pump from Reef breeders and it was shipped out that day. Light is Awesome and the pump is great to. The tank is being delived Tuesday, It only took 40 days to get the tank so it had better be great. Once I get the tank I can get started on the stand.

  10. I lived in Littleton for 5 years and I would have to give the edge to Austin as far as LFS go. AAF is coral only but they get some really high end stuff, The Dome is near me and has an incredible selection so that is my favorite. River city has a great selection as well and they seem to have more named SPS. Just my 2 cents but I also have t-5's and a hang on the back filter so that may tell you something.

    Good to hear on the Jabao, do you have the RW or the older ones?

  11. Just order the Cadlight 100g I knew the quality from my 18g and for a Starfire glass tank this seemed like the best choice for me.

    Also got the sump, 1220 Skimmer upgrade, and bio-reactor from them. Not sure on the quality of these but I will let you know

    Ordered the Reefbreeders Photon 48 after considerable research, there were many pics online of people keeping sps with good color with these and for the price I am taking the chance.

    Also got the new Jabao RW-15 pump

    Looks like I am fully committed at this point

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