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Sascha D.

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Everything posted by Sascha D.

  1. Haha you aren't kidding! I'm glad that I'm not the only one. I love living on a budget and it's nice to buy fish stuff guilt free. I hear ya about the acros. A faulty solenoid fried my tank a few months back and I'm still recovering. That's what I get for buying used. Well, part of it was my fault. It's hard searching for 18 little bodies in huge mound of live rock. I'll never make that mistake again and I removed the majority of my rock to help me help my stupid self in the future. I wish I had done it when I first set up the tank. I ran the reactor without a controller and that is what killed me. If I had had the controller to start with then I wouldn't have had a tank crash.
  2. Niko's Reef, RCA and Aquadome buy tanks. It might be easier to sell it to them for the price you want and for them to move it with a larger audience.
  3. Many people have very successful tanks using two part additives. I got a reactor because I know that I won't keep up with the testing and dosing. I saved up for about a year by selling corals and putting that money into a piggy bank. I bought my controller the same way. If the money doesn't touch the bank account then you don't miss it when it comes time with make that purchase
  4. Here's a link to the one I thought about building.
  5. I don't see a pH probe in that picture. I would not drill the canister to install one. I would build a pH probe housing like this one, or use a push connector to fit the probe into. I had looked into building my own reactor for a while and I may still do it when I find time.
  6. Sascha D.

    $100 SPS Pack

    Are those the only frags available to choose from?
  7. Still available. I'd be interested in a BP reactor deal.
  8. I had thought about putting frags in the sump as well. The new plumbing doesn't give me a lot of head room for a light, so I would have to rework it. I probably should have thought of that in the first place. I also wouldn't be able to upgrade the skimmer or add BP if I converted my refugium into a frag section. If only my tank were 60" instead of 48"
  9. Here's a picture of where the tank sits. There is 9" on the right and 11" of room on the left that I could possibly use. I would push it right and put the tank on the left if I did that. Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
  10. All dwarf angels have a certain amount of time they spend inside the rocks, but they are normally in the open quite a bit. Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
  11. Hi Reburn, The purpose is to remove frag racks from the tank. I'm a softie and I try to rescue every piece my tangs break off. I need somewhere to put them. Sometimes I post them for sale and sometimes I just take a load to the fish store when they're 1-2". I know, I know, the things in my sand bed are not necessarily treasures but they need adopting just the same!!
  12. It's normal. When it starts coming out try feeding mysis with the pumps off. If it hasn't come out in 2 or 3 days then you may squirt mysis into the cave. I don't worry until it approaches 7 days.
  13. Connecting the frag tank to the main tank was my original plan. I'm afraid I don't have much room next to the display and if I did that then I would need a narrow tank. My recent turmoil kind of has me leaning towards a separate system so that I will have corals on the side if things turn south in my display. Ty: "Hey bud, you know you can always convert that closet then you'll have lots of room!" Thanks Ty! Now you're the voice in my head. It figures that I would get an Asian scientist as the voice in my head instead of a fitness model. LOL!!! Another option is to drain the tank into my water barrels and then push it a foot or so to the left.
  14. I've never kept a tank smaller than 55g so buying a 7g makes me nervous. It looks like I'll either have to build one or hit Ebay.
  15. Haha its not exactly a frag. I didn't cut of my arm or anything, but yeah she's due in June. Its our second and last one. Exciting! Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
  16. I had heard that Richard got his frag tank from ebay, but I wasn't sure because it's so big. His signature says it's 160g. His build thread for it is here.
  17. Has anyone used the frag tanks from Ebay? I looked at glass cages but I don't want to drive to Dallas.
  18. I guess it qualifies as a mariculture then, but I didn't buy it pink. It already had some color from being in their tanks. Great ID btw. I googled it and that's it. Acropora Desalwaii
  19. I posted a picture to your question in the build. The mariculture has brown polyps and the other one has green polyps.
  20. I bought this mariculture from a local shop. It was pink when I put it into the tank and it really didn't do much for the first couple of months. I moved it around a few times as you can see from the pictures. I started at mid tank and found it was the most happy in the top 20% of the tank under intense lighting. Acropora sp. Unidentified
  21. Mariculture Stylophora I thought it was a Pink Cat's Paw. The skeleton was beige and pink when I bought it. I placed it mid tank in a frag rack. After about two weeks the skeleton started to turn pink and the polyps started to turn blue/purple. After a month it was completely blue/purple. I kept the coral mid tank and moved it onto a rock in the center of the aquarium. Rainbow Stylophora
  22. Ty what is the second group of pictures in post #4? That thing is sexy! Only the first set of pictures has captions.
  23. Hey all, So the other day my wife says to me "I think we should put a frag tank in our bedroom." I played it cool on the outside, but inside I was like So two weeks later she is still asking about it. Rough life right? The problem is that I can't find any frag tanks for a decent price. What kind of frag tanks are you all using? My criteria are: Less than $300 Internal overflow No taller than 12" Stand if possible I have a light so that is not needed. Do you all use a skimmer? I'm imagining a bare bottom tank with frag racks and maybe 10 or 20 pounds of live rock for biological filtration. Some people have a small wrasse in there to control pests. Other than that it will just be frags. I don't imagine a skimmer will pull much out on a consistent basis. If the skimmer is not needed then the overflow and sump aren't necessary.
  24. That clam is fantastic! Good job!
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