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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Mark should be proud.. 2 water changes in 2 weeks :)

    1. mcallahan


      WHOA! that's impressive

  2. And here is a video of the cool clownfish tank in the aquarium:
  3. For my sabbatical/our 5 year wedding anniversary, we took a 2 week cruise in the Mediterranean. One of the stops was Monaco, which houses the Oceanagraphic Museum, which was once headed up by Jacque Cousteau. The aquarium portion was small, but very cool. It was nice to see an aquarium that actually took time to actual grow coral. I have put up some of my pictures on this website.
  4. Needs good thoughts to get a new LTA to anchor down.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Laura


      Amen to that Whit!!

    3. DaJMasta


      They like sand, so when I got mine I just put him in the sand and turned off the flow for 15 mins or so, didn't take him long to bury into it.

    4. JamesL


      Thanks. He is down in the sand. Still hasn't attached, but the clownfish is keeping it in place.

  5. Back From Vacation!

    1. Laura


      I hope you enjoyed your cruise James!!!

    2. mcallahan


      onto the next one right?

    3. JamesL


      Now it is recover time from the trip, and get control of the house (and tank) :)

  6. Grumbles about airline delays.

  7. Living on the edge: updating iPhone to 4.1 right before a trip :-z

  8. Very nice. You are making me think about filling in some of my open spaces with gorgonians
  9. TISUT: Only 3 more days till I am outta here! :)

  10. JamesL

    75 gallon QT

    I agree that the live rock (or something similar like clay pots) would help the fish feel at home.
  11. Thanks for the offer. It is going to be at least a month till I add anything new. And top of my list is a large anemone for my clownfish who is trying to host in everything.
  12. Super nice! The one I got from you disappeared after a lighting issue I had.
  13. I was thinking along the same lines as what JasonJones said (the low nutrients). When my tank was humming along and I was dosing some supplements, my chaeto would kept dwindling away to nothing. Now that I have not spent as much time with my tank as I used too, and I stopped dosing, my chaeto has been growing.
  14. Is there any "hard" portion to the piece that is broken off? If so, then this will make it easier to glue to a frag disk. But if it is just all soft material, your chances might be slim of it surviving. I suspect you would need a lot of fleshy part for it to start regrowing the calcium portion again.
  15. Welcome! Keep an eye on the Livestock section, people are always selling various corals there.
  16. It is finally Friday!!!!!!!!

    1. mcallahan


      no work for a month!

    2. JamesL


      darn tootin!

  17. apples to apples :)

  18. Better watch it, this might involve a private jet....
  19. Cornerstone Animal Hospital lists oncology as a service. They are on 967, near the 967/1626 intersection (next to the Sonic/Shell). I have never used them, but pass by them all the time.
  20. Is it Friday PM Yet?

  21. JamesL


    Wait, I thought the Vortechs were designed to not heat things up
  22. We use Star Of Texas Vet (on Brodie in Shady Hollow). Their web site does not mention oncology specifically, but you might call them and ask.
  23. Is that bad? (dumb question i'm sure) Cyno normally indicates not enough flow and/or too many nutrients in the water.
  24. truth in status updates Tuesday: I got my first saltwater tank when I was 15, also 20 years ago :)

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