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Posts posted by victoly

  1. Maybe a combination of all of those things. A few people, distributed geographically in a way that makes most sense (e.g., north/south) have batches of phyto and pods going such that they can be used by the grower and then also by contributors. A contributor would be a person who gives either cash or material to the grower to compensate the grower so that they don't have to take a loss. Furthermore, their time is valued and pods/phyto don't go to waste. From what i've read, to keep constant production, you have to make more than most people can use. 

  2. I’m envisioning something co-op ish. I would love to have more than anything the justification to do a project like this and have everyone contribute in some way but primarily because able to benefit from having high quality pods available for their reef !

    I’ve been down the YouTube rabbit hole and have moved on to the “who else is doing it here” phase so I don’t unnecessarily duplicate the work of others around town.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

  3. Does anyone culture pods and phyto locally? I would love to start culturing them to seed my tank, and I think they could be a really valuable resource for the club and for all our respective tanks. Anyone have thoughts or experience to share?


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  4. What a tangled web we have weaved... Didn't know about anthias with CP or prime with copper. I'm about to find out though, I have a mystery wrasse coming in that i wont be able to run cp on. 

  5. I havent had problems in QT with CP, its the dang shipment DOAs that are killing me. Now I'm noticing that the prices arent that much better, the hassle is higher, the fish quality isnt great (ie smaller) and the guarantees are now credit based and not refunds. ugh. 

    with respect to the badges, I have seen them change colors but I have a sneaking suspicion that they don't "keep" well at amazon or other online retailers. I have some that have tested positive via salifert test but show non detect on the badge. I periodically dose prime to my QT tanks to knock down the ammonia. 

  6. This doesnt help with your current predicament, but I've had great success with Chloroquine Phosphate as opposed to copper for prophylactic QT. No measuring, huge range between therapeutic and deadly, and most importantly no pathogens in the DT with a few cycles of fish under my belt. 

    And I have to echo jolt on this, that doesnt look like a pathogen that killed them. That looks like ammonia, o2, temperature of medication as opposed to a disease. 

  7. very nice. i really like those pumps a lot. honestly, I had the masterflex before the kamoers were out, but if i was going to do it again i would have probably gone that way. Please update it once its in operation. The main complaint i have heard about them is related to how they operate after a power outage. make sure and do some testing with cutting power to it and how it responds. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, mhart032 said:

    I agree on the steep price, thats why i havent pulled the trigger on it yet, ive added it to my cart like 4 times lol, but just cant bring myself to checkout. i keep waiting for the Trident to come in stock, but even still. I really like the ability to test No4 and PO3 and alk, mg and calcium. but that price ugh. 

    In my perfect world, I would run a kHGuardian and a reefbot. 

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  9. 38 minutes ago, Reburn said:

    I'M ages old on my research is the KH guardian one that you can do DIY reagent for? Got a link?

    The kHGuardian, the alkatronic and the kh director have DIY reagents. They are all using acids to titrate the alkalinity in the water until it meets a particular pH. To make the DIY solution, you take a fixed amount of RODI water and add small amounts of acid. 

    Heres the instruction for the KhGuardian

    The alkatronic is similar:

    Same with the kH director 


    The trident is a little more challenging because they use several reagents plus a reference seawater solution. 

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  10. In the not too distant future, I'm going to need some type of alkalinity monitoring and control on my tank. So, like the good nerd I am, I whipped up a comparison spreadsheet. The manufacturers have made it pretty hard by all offering their own value propositions. For instance the trident also measures ca/mag, the kH guardian has tank safe waste product, the alkatronic has built in dosers, etc. 

    What IS comparable is the cost. However, that too is challenging because cost isn't just what you pay for to take the unit home. Manufacturers are making a KILLING on the reagents. However, saving grace, at least two of the meters can use a DIY reagent, which totally flips the script. I looked at them on a three-year cost to own, which hopefully includes all costs for a three year period. I broke that down into a cost per month, which should paint the picture pretty well. Ill post a second one where DIY reagents are used, and the costs stratify even more. 

    This first chart IS using manufacturer reagents.


    Here is using DIY reagents. kH director may have the DIY reagents, but i havent been able to find them. The trident definitely does not. 

    Like I said, they all have their own features and shortcomings, but there is certainly a wide spread of operating and capital costs which is exacerbated by making your own reagents. 

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