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Posts posted by victoly

  1. i feel your pain, but I'm still very leary of trusting ICP. have you sent in a blank sample of just your saltwater? To a different lab? To a lab that uses a different method than ICP-OES? I know its an extra expense, but either there is a tin epidemic in reefing, or there is something related to the analytical method that is showing this as an issue. And as might guess, the primary provider of these tests has given you a reason to do more tests, and pay them more money to do so. 

    In my opinion, the probability of this being a biological issue or a nutrient issue is so much greater than the probability that one specific metal is causing you an issue. 

    Keep in mind most reefers (and most people) have no actual idea what they are talking about. I have two degrees in geoscience, with my graduate degree in geochemistry and a decade using analytical chemistry to solve problems with minerals and water. I am very qualified in this area. I am still only marginally know what I'm talking about. 

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  2. I think you're better off putting a sample port after your last carbon block than in your effluent line. 

    Another way to monitor or predict failure is with a totalizing flowmeter on your feed water. This isn't foolproof, because the water utilities vary the chloramine dosing pretty regularly based on season, storms and other upsets, but it's a good yard stick. 

  3. Yikes, that is pretty high. I've run my RODI a few different ways (single standard carbon, loose catalytic carbon with chloramine block, and now just universals), but I'm currently just using two BRS universal carbon blocks in series. No or breakthrough yet. 

  4. Looks like an exciting build. I know you're thinking this, but if this is going to be a long term tank (even 2-3 years) you might be better served with a 90 than a 75. The extra depth is going to make aquascaping a lot easier and you have no equipment tax (bigger lights, etc.)

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  5. On 6/30/2019 at 7:17 AM, jolt said:

    I agree that is low PAR for coral, but I am not sure how badly the inability to close the lid affected things.  I have no experience with biocube lighting, but hopefully someone else on the forum has more info.   I think at one time maybe @victolyhad a biocube with a light kit on it, but not 100% sure.

    Yeah i retrofitted a stock hood with LEDs, but wasnt crazy about it. I eventually went open top and had MH for a bit and then radion. 

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