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Everything posted by Headless_donkey

  1. Those are super sweet shots. It looks like the new tank is coming along nicely. Congrats! I really like the brain.
  2. Ask reefman. His daughter's nano grows purple gorgonia like crazy.
  3. I think the biggest concern is the octopus getting out of the aquarium. I know River City can get them for you. I would go ask Carlos and he will tell you what you need. There are some people on nano-reef.com that keep octopi octopuses*learn something new every day* also. I would love to hear from someone local keeping these creatures as well.
  4. Ask reefman he always has xenia out of control.
  5. We finally got the big tank up and running. Thanks to aeroaustin, reefman, and Carlosatrivercity. It is late and I am tired. We have been working on tanks all weekend! We got the 20 gallon going and it is doing well. The camera's battery died. That means no pictures. I guess you will have to trust me. We will add fish to the 110 after it cycles. The first two fish will be a dwarf lion and a pajama cardinal. Enough talk! Here are the long awaited pics.(both of them LOL) It's all over, but the waiting!
  6. Tell them you will trade them some frags...lol...best of luck ask caferacermike
  7. I would just look at sanjay lighting and pick the ballast bulb combo with the highest par rating. As I gather the point of the tank isn't to look good, but to grow coral. Right? I might still use actinics to show off the pretty colors.
  8. Pics of the 110 half full. We will be fixing a small problem in the sump tomorrow and adding salt this weekend. Yee Haw! Return plumbing finished have not done drain yet. Bins of live rock. I guess you will have to trust me. And Rosie BTW she wants a dog face puffer in the new tank. How are we going to tell that face no?
  9. I hate you guys. I have spent all morning doing these silly things and I am on 17. Edit: On 28, I have a dream and it's stopping this game! Edit again: Finished batch one. I am out!
  10. That's always the beef with it. I think we could all benefit from a big insurance settlement now and then. LOL
  11. Both look good. You are now in the realm of personal preference. Plan A would give you the option of having two long side visible. Plan B is a touch more traditional a slightly easier to plumb. I like plan A, but it is up to you.
  12. I just found this on ebay. It looks exactly like the digital coralife power center, but much less expensive. My guess is some company is importing them under a name other then coralife. I just thought I would let everyone know. Here is the link: Power strip As a side note I have found Hydroponic plant growers use much of the same equipment as aquariums. Those guys are industrious and come up with some good ideas. Sometime equivalent equipment is even cheaper when it is for plants.
  13. Check out melevsreef.com in the DIY section. He goes into great detail about sump design. I personal like the skimmer>>return<<fuge because it allows you to have two different turn pver rates in your skimmer and fuge. The baffle height is up to you, but it will determine the water height in your sump. Just make sure that the water in your sump is low enough to leave room for the water from the tank when the return pump is turned off.
  14. In my experience some zoos go through phases. If possible, try changing how close they are to the lights. I know I have made some zoos colonies extremely unhappy with to much direct light. I would move them around in tank before taking them out and dipping them again.
  15. Man that tanks looks great. It is super elegant and clean. Very nice use of leathers. Driving 19 hours straight into austin is dedication.
  16. Nice. You should start a blog about your tanks.
  17. Dude! We have one those in a tank. It was a hitchhiker on a rock. If I had know I would have catered to its needs more. Thank you for the link. When in doubt ask nano-reef. BTW please disregard that sewing thing. I think I was wrong. sorry
  18. That is super fly! I will definitely be trying that. You need to give the club a demonstration at one of the meetings. DIY rock give you the chance to make that perfect shape without months of scouring the LFS. NICE!
  19. Thanks to aeroaustin our new 110 gallon FOWLR is in the house. Tonight I will be installing the plumbing, figuring out the overflow box, and finishing the new 20 gallon. If I get REAL lucky I will move the aquapod inhabitants to the 20 gallon. Anyway here are some pictures. You can see the new tank is a little bigger then our original NanoCube Here is the first fish going into the new tank. As you can tell he is pretty excited. We also discovered lion fish hard to photograph.
  20. How do you shape your rock? Do you use sand molds like on GARF? Can you take a picture of your rock? BTW the having aquatek seed the stuff in a sump is a great idea. I would be afraid they might charge you rent though. LOL I would also think if you have a tank setup already the rock in it would seed it eventually. If you seeded the rock at aquatek, then drive it across town, and put it directly in your tank you might start a mini-cycle which would be bad. This could probably be avoid if it were in water the whole time.
  21. What is a "duncan?" I tried to look it up and had no luck. I am assuming it is soft, but that is all I found. I use needle a thread to sew softies on to rock. I think it works better then the glue. The trick is dealing with the thread and getting it tight while your hands are wet.
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