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Everything posted by Headless_donkey

  1. ATO=Auto top-off Your tank temp is going to increase when you throw that flame thrower over such a small space. You almost certainly will need to add some fans and therefore creating more evaporation.
  2. I would throw a 400w Reefux 14k up and use the PCs for actinic. I would just use the PCs that fit over the tank. That would be tons of light over your tank. You might also want to think about an ATO.
  3. A wet rag will work. Sorry about the tough luck
  4. If the siphon break is above the water level it will suck air into the tank. Well, now you know it isn't coming from the sump. Time to check and recheck connections.
  5. It depends. If one path to a return has less resistance the bubbles will follow it. I.E. only one side shoots bubbles. Air, water, and electricity are lazy.
  6. If you have a siphon, break it might be sucking air. Check the connection at the pump. Air coming in=bubbles Bubble in your sump with no bubble trap=bubbles in the tank try a sponge over the input of you return pump. If that stops the bubbles then you have extraneous bubbles in you sump. It sounds like you need less water in you sump or a higher siphon break. If the tape doesn't work, you can buy plastic pipe thread sealant in a tube. It stops leaks, but is almost permanent.
  7. The Harlequins say,"Darn it! We missed dinner!"
  8. Looks good. Sorry I missed it. I am glad it went smoothly. I couldn't find the pic with this valve you speak of.
  9. Sweet. That wave action is always worth it. It really looks cool with the rim less. I like the color temp of the tank. Moving the bulbs seemed to help. I hope they send you a new RD pump. For the price they should have overnighted you one. It sucks when the dreaded mag come to the rescue.
  10. Why do you guys always scare me about stuff? Sure I have heard of issues with RO/DI, but I was playing ostrich in the sand. I have heard airrating will raise the ph, but I haven't done any research on it.
  11. Looks good. Now its time for the fun stuff. Plumbing and water! BTW if you want to finish my stand for me you are more then welcome.
  12. Once you get the tank, call Oceanic. I know we can figure it out.
  13. You have a great looking tank. I am worried that a giant black box might take away from it. I will hold judgement until I have seen pics.
  14. this thread as well http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthre...hreadid=1214393
  15. Yes some would say this hobby is inhumane just like zoos, dog kennels, and giant shopping centers/buildings on the green belt. I have personally stopped purchasing fish or coral that are not tanked raised or from someone else's tank. I do not take things out of the ocean any more. I do not keep sharks, rays, or especially batfish because maintaining the proper conditions is too difficult. If keeping Harlequin shrimp is inhumane then keeping any meat eating pet is also. I did not train the shrimp to eat the starfish that is just the ONLY thing that keeps them alive. Let me tell you the inhumane part of Harlequin Shrimp. Starfish do not ship well. MANY die in transit. I am supporting that by having these two shrimp. My issue is: I can not release the shrimp into the ocean because they have been in captivity too long. However, I was not told this when I bought the fish and found out about it after the fact. To try and minimize my impact, I only buy the hardiest species of starfish. So yes, I made a mistake in purchasing then spreading the good word about the shrimp. Ignorance is never a defense that is why I am owning my mistake. I will not be breading or replacing these shrimp. I also think the hole into the club for feeding negates any "sound proofing" that has been done. I have heard the filtration is a big diotimatious earth filter. I understand that is a rumor. If the owner is soooo concerned about the animals and proving the are in good hands, why doesn't he announce publicly what the filtration method is? Maybe he could give a diagram and explanation on the club's website. Zoos and public aquariums do. And yes that is his responsibility, especially if he is going to invite school children and "conservation" group to his club to see the animals.
  16. Local suppliers Yes we do, but We also set-up systems that are capable of supporting to the life we choose to put in them. This shark tank has terribly inadequate filtration. We also DO NOT play loud music around our tanks EVERY night. Sharks are super sensitive to vibrations and electrical changes. How many times have I invited all of my friends over to dance on top of my tank? Zero. Not to mention his choice in livestock is extremely poor. Sharks, Rays, and Batfish all take highly specialized aquariums for long term success. For example rays like very fine substrate. Batfish get GIGANTIC! I am by no means an expert, but it doesn't take one to figure out the is inhumane and destine for failure. BTW I don't have a problem with the tanks behind the bar. They aren't very deep, but they still are set-up better then the shark tank. Have you noticed the Aquarium bar doesn't have fish tanks? They tried.
  17. ...but with T5s you can mix spectrums to customize a look and par rating. Plus the heat(waisted energy) of metal halides is amazing. Wait, have we has this conversation before? LOL
  18. A dremel, acrylic, and weld-on. your good to go. I can help you. I would sand the area smooth where the teeth used to be. Cut new ones and glue them in place. Then I would glue some pieces to the back side for support. It wouldn't take long.
  19. That is Wolf Reef. They sell great rock for super cheap. Go for it. I did.
  20. Here is where I plug T5s.
  21. They have killed more then one. They did not spend that much in research. They are not in it for the good of the animals. If they had spent half a million on research they would have found out what a bad idea this is. In fact that info would have been free if they had asked some LFS or marine biologists. Oh wait, they did and heard that the tank was set-up poorly and they didn't listen. Not guilty until proven innocent. Just guilty.
  22. linksky Apparently, lying on camera as well as killing sharks is a forte of this guy.
  23. I was thinking the same thing. What sucks is the test kits are kind of pricey. I know Elos seems to be the brand of choice these days. I don't know how much they are, but I do know the TM Mag/CAL kit is $50! I will price the kits today. I have got some TM(regular) and IO salt I can test. I also assume we will need to make sure the samples are mixed for the same amount of time and at usable temp(79 degrees).
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