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Everything posted by bige

  1. Welcome. Looks full. Time for an upgrade!
  2. I was lucky enough to see them in person. Very nice. One is mostly sweet blastos. But pics alway help.
  3. I hate thieves. My parents had their house broken into in Houston and they lost 100,000 in jewelry. Insurance gave them 5700. Because no jewelry rider. Just watch Craig's list and look at pawn shops. That's what the cops told my mom to do.
  4. You could try to cut the inside silicone off and reapply. Did you use silicone on glass where it met? Then apply to inside? The way I would do it is lay a thin bead then run my finger up it to smooth it out and remove excess. As mentioned above to be even cleaner, you put tape on each side.
  5. Why are you not drilling it? You would free up 4 inches in the back. Just curious.
  6. Im curious, in the article it seems it's mixed. Sand and mud. Did I read it wrong? Or should there be mud then sand?
  7. I honestly think 125 is fair. Good luck. I hope you get more.
  8. bige

    Sea Pigs

    That's awesome. I love the ocean.
  9. So your going to use the foam for rocks? Or just shape it yourself?
  10. That's really cool. Is it a dwarf?
  11. Im ruining late too. Raining though!
  12. Wow very fair prices.
  13. bige

    Cinnamon Palys

    Those are nice. Good score.
  14. Wow man. Those are show quality.
  15. bige

    Cinnamon Palys

    Post a pic once they are happy. I really like them.
  16. Well I'm all caught up! Looks like we will just have watch the hill country cowboys. That's who my 7 year old plays for.
  17. Mine use todo that. It grows really fast like that. So fast, it's hard to maintain. I guess I'm lazy and really saw no change in chemistry once it stopped turning. But that is a cool video. Thanks for posting. And it's funny you would post that because I was just reading that that is the way chaeto likes to be kept. When I did it it was just to keep stuff off the bottom. Then one day it started spinning like a wheel.
  18. bige

    Cinnamon Palys

    They had two in their frag tanks and a larger polyp count in the middle large coral tank. Good luck. They are my favorite. I actually got a single polyp for 4.99 there a couple weeks ago. If you can't find any let me know. I'll give you mine if you would be willing to cut me a few once you get it growing.
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