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Everything posted by Lamont

  1. The ones that eat frozen foods are from ORA and cost a pretty penny!($100-$200)
  2. I may need to get rid of mine. I dont think I have anymore hair algae left. Give me a call to see what we can work out.
  3. Those are single ended 250w right? I'm looking for DE. I found where u can get the Double Ended Bulbs. PM Me and I will let you know or give me a call. 512-909-4644 Lamont
  4. He killed all the fish that were 50% bigger than him.... the smaller ones survived (except a small clown). This is one bad hombre. Anyone want him? Come get him out of the tank and he's yours! what side of town r u on???
  5. I think C&B should get them because I think my butterflyfish will kill them. I think he killed my peppermint shrimp.
  6. Hey Don I want the Rosco Blue mini colony $20 and maybe some of the purple haze. i need to check it out in person. I will pick it today if you are available.
  7. Lamont


    +1 on a nudibranch.
  8. that sucks! Hopefully mine does not follow that trend. he is happy with just the bloodworms.(For now at least)
  9. I have two heads of candy cane coral I need to get rid of. I fragged my colony and two extra heads came off. I bought 9 corals from Austin Aqua Farms and need to have all the space I can get. I'm only asking $5. they are both nickel size heads and on the same skeleton. Call me at 512-909-4644 Lamont Thanks!
  10. I have a GBTA and it has done that a couple of times after feeding it. The only time I was worried is when it shriveled up like that after producing a clone. Then it detached itself and got caught in my wave box. That was the end of a that!!!! I think yours will be okay unless it detaches itself. It may be trying to get rid of some waste. Good luck though!
  11. If its hair algae or your sand bed is looking funky blue legs will help,but you may want to try a sea hare and a diamond watchman goby. Two of the best purchases I have ever made. Along with turbo and nassarius snails. My sand bed sparkles and my rock is looking spectacular.
  12. I bought A copperband butterfly fish 3 weeks ago to try to get rid of my aiptasia. He never went after any of the aiptasia or any of my corals. So I thought he was going to starve to death because he wouldn't eat any prepared foods either. I have read most of your post regarding quarantine tanks and thought I should have set up one. i just dont have the extra equipment to do so. I have even tried making a paste out of brine shrimp and pellet food and freezing it to a piece of live rock. That did not work either. The butterfly fish has been surviving on pods I guess. He didn't get skinny or act any differently. He always swam with the other fish. Today I bought some bloodworms and he went to town on those things. He and the wrasses are the only fish that will eat them. My other fish will not touch them. I am so amazed that he eats from the water column and not the rocks. Maybe this will lead to him eating more prepared foods.
  13. Its been almost a week and no sign Of any aiptasia anemones left. I believe its safe to say the pickling lime works with no side effects. I cant believe it only cost me $2.30 to get rid of those reef pest. I have plenty left if anyone needs some.
  14. Lamont


    Thanks Robb for the GSP! It was nice meeting you and your family.
  15. Lamont


    What type of corals r u looking for? Interested in one of the rbta
  16. Ill take them.I can pick them up tonight. Lamont 512-909-4644
  17. If It still work I think I want it. Pmed
  18. Im interested in the bubble coral. What size and color is it?
  19. When I did my move I thought I lost all my zoas. They seemed to have melted away. Then about two weeks after setting up the tank again they slowly started to open up. They were half of there original size though! I now have my colonies back except my Armor of Gods. The Ked Reds have had a tremendous amount of growth.(from 30 to 50 new heads) I also bought an Acan Echinata colony that reached up at least 4"-5" to kill a 3" frag of green slimer that i got from hydro. But it didnt touch the Duncan colony right beside it.(Go Figure??)
  20. I left my house this morning at 7:00am and still no sign of any aiptasia. I used Mrs. Wages pickling Lime and it was only $2.30. Its a 16oz bag and I only used a teaspoon of it. I will continue to update the results.
  21. Three weeks ago I was trying to find ways to get rid of my aiptasia. I tried about 4 different peppermint shrimp and none of them wanted to eat aiptasia. So i got a copperband butterfly fish. He eats, but just not aiptasia. While researching the butterfly fish I stumbled across this article on the GARF website. Its talks about using pickling lime to kill aiptasia without harming anything else. I searched for two weeks but could not find any pickling lime any where in Austin. There were plenty of sites online. Today I went to Wal-Mart and found some.(its on the vacuum cleaner aisle)I followed the steps and it seems to be working. I sprayed about 12 aiptasia anemones and all of them took it and have not come back out. It really does seem to stick to them. I will not fully know if it works until a few days or weeks. But if it does I will let you know. Here is the site if you want to read it for yourself and try it. Killing Aiptasia. If you need to borrow some of the pickiling lime I have plenty.
  22. I think thats an Odyssea fixture. I have the 36 incher! Good light output.
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