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Everything posted by Derek

  1. Okidoki. I'll keep an eye out for more images.
  2. What is the large toadstool attached to? It looks awesome. How big is it?
  3. Derek


    I will have a 36" six bulb T5 fixture available by the end of the month.
  4. Personally I love dipping corals. I like seeing what comes off of them. There are lots of things that can be on them that are not bad. I know when I dip stuff a bunch of pods end up coming off.
  5. Beautiful. My tank is not ready for an anemone. I wish it was.
  6. I'll take: 2 x Tiger Tail Cucumber 1 x Spiny Sea Cucumber
  7. I love those radioactive dragon zoas. I may have to snatch some.
  8. I have flatworms too. They are annoying. I'm going to dip all my stuff when I redo my rocks this week.
  9. AquaDome meeting! I work until 6 on Sundays. How late will it be going on?
  10. I'll see what I have. I will be redoing my rockwork soon and will most likely break something.
  11. My suggestion is to switch to dudes and get predatory fish.
  12. I love marine bettas. That is a shame. Sorry to hear that.
  13. Out of curiosity, why are you trading/selling the shrimp? They are beautiful and awesome bristle worm cleaners.
  14. How big is it? How long has it been in the sump?
  15. I have those same ones in my tank. They just graze on algae. If you have a line or coris wrasse they will keep the population in check.
  16. Nice! I love that huge cave at the bottom.
  17. Aquadome has some nice small ones for a good price. They also eat pellets. I got mine there and he is great. I love him.
  18. Derek

    ID Red Stuff

    Cyan bacteria. The green on your rocks is hair algae.
  19. Usually they get very fat if they have parasites, like explodingly fat. Do they eat when you feed?
  20. Haha I should have a party for him. Maybe after he is done teething. Puppy teeth hurt. Mark: He really is.
  21. I have been a bit busy lately and have been neglecting the board. I got a Beagle puppy the day before Thanksgiving. I am also taking care of my house by myself now, hence why I got the puppy. It was a bit too quiet. Haha. Anyway, here's my baby boy. His name is Fitz and he is about eight weeks old:
  22. Welcome. Very nice. What kind of powerhead do you have in there? You have some killer surface flow. I like it.
  23. Looks like bruises or sting marks to me. +1 for injury. They usually heal pretty fast though.
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