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    Cedar Park
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Caracal's Achievements

Reef Keeper

Reef Keeper (2/6)



  1. Bump - price reduced to $35
  2. Credit from Aquatek with face value of $52.50. Selling for $35
  3. Hi Teresa,

    Thanks for the sand! The tank looks much better with it. Also, thanks for you input concerning carbon. I am running two external filters with carbon and the coral appear to be doing better. It has only been one day, but the mushrooms, torch and duncans are opening. Cautiously optimistic at this point and we will see how things go.

    Did you sell your tank and...

  4. That could be. When I first saw it I thought of a cockleburr. Fast mover when the light hit it.
  5. I have only noticed them when the lights were out. I'll try filtering the light.
  6. I saw something again last night, but I couldn't tell if it was coming from inside the red "shell". It retracted too fast when the light hit it. I suppose it could have come from a crevice or hole next to the "shell". The first time definitely looked like it came from inside the "shell". This morning I proded the "shells', but nothing moved. I pulled a bit of it off and it felt like leather.
  7. Yes, there are what appear to be animals inside. When I first got the live rock all I could see was the translucent "shell" and I thought it was algae or a tunicate. One night while the light was out I shined a flashlight in the tank to check something else out and I saw movement from these guys. I saw the "burr" retract into the "shell" when I shined the light on it. At first I only noticed the one. Recently I have noticed that there are more of them in their "shell".
  8. Does anyone have an idea as to what this is? I thought it may be macro algae, but there are animals inside. The outer "shell" (maroon in color) has a slit in it and the animal extends from that. They extend when it gets dark. They are beige in color and kind of look like a burr. Some sort of filter feeder?
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