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Everything posted by Derek

  1. About time! Good bye little wrasse.
  2. Aww, the purple tang. He's so cool. Nice video. Are you running all actinics?
  3. I told you I'd get you some scuba stuff if you swam in it to scrape the glass. Haha.
  4. Does anyone know of a good resource for identifying marine parasites? My Marine Betta has some things on his side. They have the same relative shape as vermatid snails. He is still eating so I do not think that they are bothering him.
  5. You're giving us all Sherman fever Eric! We need some clones stat!
  6. I'd get an entirely new pump. I wouldn't risk it. I'm glad you didn't get hurt.
  7. If you know her then you have to bring her to the meeting so we can educate her in enema keeping.
  8. No kidding. It is difficult to keep an anemone, but I bet it is dang near impossible to keep an enema.
  9. I came across this video tonight. It was just too painful to not share. Turn up the volume, that's where all the comedy is:
  10. Hmm, that's weird. I purchased the same unit in January and my TDS meter has not even showed any TDS on the output side. I would suggest trying what Dave mentioned.
  11. Sweet, thanks. I will go through that today.
  12. Thanks Alex. My fixture is a 36 inch fixture. I have a spare actinic bulb now since I removed one and replaced it with a 10K.
  13. I have not. I'm still learning about the different types of bulbs. I'll read about then and see if the would help. I prefer whiter lights. The blues make me feel like it is artificial.
  14. I'd just pick a species and stick with them. Pink Skunk Clowns are nice.
  15. Hmm, depends on the other inhabitants and how you have the tank setup. I wouldn't be surprised if the maroons killed the saddlebacks though.
  16. Microbubbles are just tiny little bubbles. You'd see them coming from your return pump.
  17. Today I decided to get an additional 10K bulb to add to my T5 fixture. I needed to have a bit more depth penetration in the light output. I was considering getting an LED spotlight, but I figured I would try an additional 10K since they are way cheaper. So far things are looking good. My Kenya Trees are still hiding a bit but everything else is out and happy.
  18. Hmm, there are a couple of things it could be: 1) Just bubbles 2) Eggs If you don't see anything in the middle of the bubbles then it is just bubbles. If you have microbubbles in your water then they can collect under rocks, causing bubbles. It happens in my tank if the water level drops or the pump needs cleaning.
  19. Are they green or just clear like regular bubbles?
  20. Skimmer, UV sterilizer, return pump, caeto, calerpa. All for keeping my water pretty.
  21. May 5th. Though I can't really say with any accuracy without thumping the watermelon. Is her belly button poking out yet? Maybe a picture of the baby lump would give us some help.
  22. Neat. I'll hit you up next week and we can set something up.
  23. Sweet, I'd like to order some next Friday. Should I just email Russell or would it be better to do a group order?
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