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Everything posted by cyrus

  1. This Kole is the fattest fish I've ever seen! Don't worry he's already doing 8 foot laps and full of color and super happy lol. He's going to slim up with a strict pt regiment or maybe just stay fat like my wobbly blenny lol (he's retired though). I'm naming our new addition pvt. pile Thanks!
  2. cyrus

    Live Ulva

    I need some live ulva sea lettuce, if you have some please let me know
  3. cyrus


    My cleaner wrasse works a lot better than the shrimp, They are generally only 10$ also. I have had no problems with ich since I got him, they continuously seek and clean as apposed to shrimp staying in one place. Mine eats brine, always has contrary to the belief they only eat parasites. I am ordering some on the 1st if you want in.
  4. Understandable question. I had a hippo tangs in my 30g zoa tank because it was a baby, 1 1/2" each. Kind of like how I have had 18 baby clowns in my 30QT tank for the last month. I don't believe in throwing babies in large tanks until they can fend for themselves. Where I would otherwise agree with you that you should not ever place fish in tanks that are rated to small for them, for me it is a graduation process. I already own a large tank they just were not ready for the open water. You should never buy a fish you can not accommodate in the long run. The zoa tank was well established, had been up for several years, and was a very healthy tank. Hippos babies are very sensitive and I wasn't about to drop them in my 240g until I was confident in their health so I put them in the 30g for about a month because they are fast growers. I came home one day to a cracked tank which was more than likely what triggered the slime ball to nuke the tank. All the fish except a clown were dead. The devastating blow was my newly paired madrins that I had just finally got to switch to frozen brine. It was crushing... One thing you all can learn from this is that hardy clowns along with a tank jammed full of zoas made it through this painful ordeal just fine. I understand my incident was isolated but isolated incidents happen to everyone. Why compound it with a fickin grenade sitting in your tank waiting for the pin to be pulled.
  5. I had one die in a 30g and it killed 130$ of fish including a hippo tang and pair of mandrins. Get something else that filter feeds, get rid of it...
  6. any clue on the name or did you just discover a new shrimp breed?
  7. Im interested also to know which toby it is?
  8. does anyone have experience with pairing wrasses other then 6lines?
  9. So I was wondering if it would be possible to pair my red coris wrasse. I have an adult and I was thinking about maybe getting a juvi?
  10. cyrus

    UV LED?

    sterilization? I want quality and power?
  11. cyrus

    UV LED?

    What is the most powerful uv led bulb on the market?
  12. Yes I agree, I run the orthopedics department and the patients are often stressed, long waits some times combined with the army mentality can take it's toll on the families. Plus it's personally where my sanity is kept in check, our wounded warriors could be reminded there are calm places still in the world...
  13. Darnall Army Medical Center doesn't have one. You would be supporting your soldiers!
  14. I think its not so much for buyers but spam.
  15. The tank is predesigned for nems. There is a partition in the middle and the porwer head is on the coral side. I move them when they get to close to my overflow but I believe I have lost one already due to the overflow. I installed foam over the teeth of it to stop that but I think it was counter productive because it increased the suction. It's funny because my rbtas are no problem and they stay where I put them... The question I'm asking isn't should I let it settle in( because as stated before it has been established in the same spot for several weeks), or feed it even ( Jimd I dont force feed I place the food on the edge of the nem and let it take it). What my dilemma is really is why the tanticles have a stickiness to them? Toxiq reef, you said light might play a part? do you have experience with that being an issue? I have a 10k 400w over it right now but im switching to a 14k this week do you think that will be better?
  16. Its been in three weeks., settled and happy. I can see them not wanting to eat however the non stickyness is what i'm worried about.
  17. So the green nem I recently got is not eating, nor are the silver sides even sticking to the tentacles. He is completely bubbled up and looks great though? Anyone know what I can do?
  18. I'd run the actinics for4-6 hours a day so they are still getting something. It shouldnt overheat anything
  19. http://www.bulkreefs...e-14-000-k.html Has anyone used these? I might do a bulkreefsupply order soon.
  20. cyrus


    Never mind going to hold onto it.
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