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Posts posted by mooric

  1. Well if you have an extra one I will be at the meeting tomorrow and would love a small one. I will be bringing some small blue mushrooms and green spotted mushrooms to the meeting for anyone that wants them.

  2. I think I'll bring them anyway. If people don't want them, I'll keep the rubble and get rid of the tree.

    Rjohn I would happy to take one off your hands to add to my small coral collection.


  3. This guy is great. I thought he had died when I saw all his legs detached in an area under the rock, but no, it was a molt. He is out and about and chomping on hair algae. :lol:

    I thought the same thing with mine. I even rinsed the shell in the sink and threw it in a bucket with some rock I am cycling. 2 weeks later I found him sitting on top of the rock. Imagine my surprise!

  4. Hey Laura,

    I was hoping to come over this evening to get some snails/etc. if that is ok I can pick up the mangroves for you on the way since Chris isn't far from me.

  5. Questions:

    - Is this feasible?

    - One thing I noticed was that the stock lighting would have to be upgraded, since it's only ~2w per gallon. Is it possible to upgrade this and other systems that might need it? Would other systems need to be included or upgraded.

    - Is it possible to purchase a mated pair of clowns along with an invert that they're already hosting, and if so would that relationship survive a transplant?

    - I'd much rather support a LFS or individual selling a tank/gear if the price is reasonably close. Anyone know of someone with this kind of equipment for sale?

    - Yes it is possible to do what you want in a nano tank.

    - For lighting upgrades I would check Nano Customs.

    - I have seen people and sites selling anemones with a hosting clown fish. Though a mating pair that is also hosting would be difficult to find, there was some for sale on these forums recently.

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  6. Has anyone on here used/tuned the JBJ Skimmer that comes with the JBJ 28g??? I have been running it for over a month and I never seem to get much skimmate. In fact the only skimmate I have ever gotten was VERY wet skimmate. I am using the stock air pump and airstone that came with the tank. I have tried different height settings and currently have it at the lowest possible height (where the collection cup rests on the refugium compartment divider). ANY help would be great. My water may be good but it's not THAT good to product 0 skimmate.



  7. ....should I let my tank mature before I consider adding in things more delicate than a fish? I have had the tank running since before Christmas, and tank parameters are nice and steady now. Only issue I have currently is a little GHA but the CUC is slowly working that down. So how mature does one's tank need to be?



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