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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. diabeetus

    New guy

    i tried the link as well minus the "spaces" and "***" and it didnt seem to work for me either.
  2. mike, the 14g biocube has 24w lights. thanks anyway:wave:
  3. diabeetus

    New guy

    oh. 2 will probably be fine. if one is bigger than the other, the domination will be more easily determined. if they are closer to the same size, they could fight for a while until one becomes dominant (female)
  4. diabeetus

    New guy

    clowns are usually territorial. having 3 in a 14g might be dangerous (death)
  5. my aprtments courtyard area is knee deep in water and its still raining. haaa!! my dogs are going to have a BLAST!!

  6. its not for a biocube, but i think it might be the same light. pics?
  7. the one i have is not blue AT ALL! its almost white. i was wondering if anyone had a 13w actinic i could buy or if anyone knows of a place that carries them (online or local) it is a BI-PIN pc bulb 13w thanks!!
  8. that sounds like a good idea. we sell that Styrofoam at Lowes in the lumber area (insulation)
  9. What kind of shrimp is it? Did you try slowly cornering it with a net?
  10. definitely dont keep filling it because you will crack the bottom glass. and for a 135, i would go with 3/4" still because that is a lot of weight, since it is such a massive amount of water and money were talking about here, i would not go cheap. there is always a way to cover up the edge of the ply wood. never heard of water putty tho. what is that?
  11. ooooooh boy.. what do we have over there to the bottom left??
  12. that picture came out a little different than it is in person. it is not quite THAT blue and it is not really that dark on the sides.
  13. as you can see it is just a slight spotlight effect, but on such a small tank, im not sure it was what i was looking for. i guess im more of a t5 kinda guy. thought i would try some LED's. they are awesome, but i guess im just not used to them
  14. OMG!!! group buy anyone? we can do this!!
  15. small gate hinges? like galvanized or zinc coated hinges wont work? those are made to no rust.
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