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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. ok, i will put some up later on today. the only camera that i could use is my girlfriends who is not around right now. maybe i can take a couple on my macbook camera...
  2. ah, i didnt know that about the flex molding. i was under a different impression. i also didnt know there was a a bendable plywood that would havebeen interesting to try out.
  3. ok, so what ended up happening was i put a rubber tie down strap on it to keep it bent. in the mean time i threw it in the dishwasher after the washing part was done and the steam clean part had just started. (the whole holding it over a boiling pot thing didnt work because it was only steaming the middle of the board...) so after about 10 minutes in the dishwasher, i took it out, soaked and pliable . it worked out very nicely. i left it to dry over night and this morning i took the rubber strap off and it looks great!! i mean, it could look a little more professional but for what im doing, it looks really good now all i have to do is put it together! Corey
  4. well my pink skunk clown is an adult and is not very big at all. i know purculas stay relatively small, but as you know maroon clowns get monstrous! i have been thinking about parting with my pink skunk for a while because he sleeps at the top of the tank and i find him in the rear compartment of my biocube and and it gets annoying having to take him out 2-3 times a week.
  5. wow great deal for a 20k, huh?
  6. well do u want a baby? or a naturally small clown? im guessing generally small because of your recent switch to the pico, but you also said you wanted to switch to a 10g? i know Mama has a a nice selection of tiny little clowns. you might throw her a PM to see if she is selling them. also i have seen tiny clowns at RCA on a few occasions
  7. yeah, i think what youre talking about is called flex molding. it is very expensive. we can special order it at the lowe's i work at. another thing i looked into was pvc molding since it is only 6" tall and we carry 6" wide pvc molding. but again, pretty expensive. i went in on my day off today and bought a piece of warped" 1/4 luanne plywood and it is now sitting over a pot of boiling water as my very ghetto steam box so i can bend it ever so slightly. i traced the curve of the tank on a piece of scrap plywood and cut it out as a template. hopefully this works!! thanks! Corey
  8. do you, or anyone else for that matter, have a steam box i could borrow?
  9. mike, do you think a 1X6 (3/4X5 1/2) will be bendable? how would you steam it? sounds like a good idea!
  10. i am in some need of a koralia 1 or maybe a 2 for my 29g biocube. used or new, whatever thanks!! Corey
  11. oh, it looks super shiny. just the glare i guess. looks really good. very simple. goes to show i dont need trim to make it look good. thanks
  12. i work at lowes in the lumber dept, that being said, today at work i completely ignored my duties to try and figure out how wide the wood should be and what kind of molding would look simple but goo and clean. but being wood, it will be square and the biocube is curved, even the stand is curved so it might look awkward i think. so if the plexi glass idea turns out to be a good one, and the bend stays, i might just have to go with that
  13. woah! awesome! how tall is that and what it it? plexi-glass? plexiglass painted might work. it bends so i could somehow bend it to match the curve of the biocube. looks good! would look better than wood i think. nice and clean looking to go with the over all cleanliness of the biocube itself
  14. dave, i was thinking just that a pic tonight would be awesome! i think i really just need an idea on the layout and the over all aesthetics of it. thanks i love building things so this should be a fun little project for me
  15. o i forgot to say. this is not a closed canopy. just covers the sides where te light shines thru, between the tank and the light fixture. so there is not any retro fits going in or anything like that, just a decorative cover to block extra light thanks Corey
  16. i have very bright MH clip on lamp on my 29g biocube and i have been annoyed by the excess light because it is in my bedroom. i was wondering if anyone had any DIY canopy for this tank, or any nano that i could just change the dimensions thanks, -Corey
  17. haha!! its ok, im diabetic anyway
  18. did Dena take the light already? if its still available, im interested
  19. yeah, did they also say they would give you more money if you took it off of craigslist right now?
  20. SCAM!!! no third party pick-ups!! EVER! and never let let them send you money in the mail when a third party is gonna pick it up anyway. i have had similar scams with fish tanks in the past, even a brnd new 08 nissan titan! scamers are everywhere! good call mama!
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