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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. epoxy putty! thats what i was looking for. i couldnt remember if it was caulk or what. thanks! can i get that at rca? or where?
  2. which shrimp ate the snail? the red one or the tiny one? if it grabbed a snail, then its probably not a copepod. hopefully not a mantis, but it would be cool if it was
  3. i recently [thought] that i successfully removed all my pulsating xenia, but a few weeks ago i noticed tiny little heads popping back into action. i have been meaning to do something about it, but never did.. until now. i am only noticing it in one area, so hopefully i did kill it in the other areas. (lets hope) my question is what kind of caulking (reef safe) should i use to cover it up and suffocate/kill it? i have read that people have done this for an easy-out. or if not caulk, what? thanks, Corey
  4. welcome!! how small was the shrimp-like creature? it could be a copepod which would be the opposite of bad they help clean the tank, and are a good snack for some fish ( one being a mandarin )
  5. finally got photoshop!!! now my tank looks like yours!!!! hahaaaa :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. diabeetus


      haha downgrade from what??

    3. caferacermike


      From what your tnak looks like to what the rest of our tnaks look like.

    4. diabeetus


      well, i just want to be hip. you know

  6. i would not risk it. try and figure something else out. it makes me nervous just thinking about it! what size tnak are you thinking about doing it to? i stupidly did it to my 46g bowfront a while back. not realizing how much danger i was putting everything in my room in!! i then sold it on craigslist. i think on a smaller tnak it might be ok, if, like mike said the glass was thick enough, but anything over 75g i would say no.
  7. It's possible!! I'll see if there is anything I need
  8. every once in a while, you can find one for under 100 bucks. i could of sworn i saw one at aquatek a couple weeks ago for under 100. so if youre not in too much of a hurry, i would wait. they usually go for like 180 i think
  9. welcome!! definitely dont be afraid to ask any questions about your tank!!
  10. last time i went (a couple days ago) RCA had a couple. that is, if you cant find someone to trade with
  11. daaaaang!!! seeing some of those acans.. i need mooore!!!
  12. ah man i totally forgot you were getting rid of yours!! my little brother AND sister just got one each a few days ago!!!
  13. I was expecting to see you with your top down, Jeremy. What a disappointment haha jk
  14. halo'in it up tonight. tavio.. come on over after midnight

  15. haha but i was sooo excited that they could of been mantis shrimp!!!
  16. if they are small they probably wont go for larger fish. get a piece of shrimp or krill/meaty food and see if that lures them out. mine always came out if he felt there was something interesting nearby.
  17. haha yeah, thats what i was thinking. i mean, i guess start out with cheaper nems for practice and once you get it down and know that it works, then move up to the RBTAs and what nots
  18. awesome!! you were selling it way way way too cheap. glad you got them both!
  19. are you trying to sell them or what?
  20. wow, i would be so worried it wouldnt survive. he must have a little extra cash in t he bank
  21. where did pic of the month go???

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