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Everything posted by doktorstick

  1. Or just crack open a $3.99 powerstrip and rewire 2 to be always on even if you toggle the on/off switch. (It's not lost on me that everyone can't do that and the Belkin might be a good choice.) I find I need one more, though, for feeding cycle. My routine (for better or worse) is: 1. Cut skimmer and return pump; circulation pumps remain on. 2. After 15 minutes, turn on return pump. 3. After 1 hour, turn on skimmer. I'm so looking forward to my DIY controller for this reason.
  2. I'm doing the same thing with a 5.5g. How did you cut the overflow slits? I'm to the point of cutting the slits and drilling my return. Are you just going to stick the MJ nozzle through your return hole or are you going to install a bulkhead and tubing?
  3. No problem. In fact, they are about $5 cheaper from Mama. Mark: With the holidays coming up I'm on a tight schedule and I can do this order, but I can't tolerate a day or two delay in placing the order. Are you going to be pretty hard-*** about getting the order in on the 14th?
  4. Corey -- Mama has electric blues in stock right now. I think a tad (maybe $1 or $2) cheaper than Vivid.
  5. Gah. I was hoping the answer was "4 or 5 days."
  6. Howdy. With the holidays upcoming, I might have a few days of travel TBD. Since this will be my first away-from-home since I setup my fish tank, I need to know general guidelines about the care and safety of my critters. For instance, should anything be done leading up to the trip? What about survival time without foodstuffs for fish? And so on. Thanks!
  7. A note on the personal option. When you do personal, it automatically charges you 3%. However, if you validate your account (i.e., tie it to a bank account), then all transaction fees go away. If you are nervous about doing that, here's what I did: 1. Setup another checking account at your bank (it really needs to be an online account with no minimum balance or fees). 2. Do not setup or disable overdraft protection for this new checking account. 3. Tie the PayPAL account to this checking account. 4. Transfer in small amounts of money as you need to pay for PayPAL stuff. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but with all the PayPAL scams out there, I don't want my money being sucked dry from PayPAL.
  8. $9 product? Where? DFS has it for $22. MD for $21. That said, I'm placing an order to DFS this week and can pick it up for you if you aren't in immediate need.
  9. Howdy. I'm wanting to buy and Orchid Dottyback. Ta-da.
  10. The dog medicine requires a vet prescription. It's called Interceptor.
  11. PM piers, he may want them.
  12. Howdy. I'm trying to observe and learn the behaviors of my critters so I can predict problems, feed patterns, etc. Well, this night I noticed something I've never noticed with my peppermint shrimp before. Victor--as he's called--was cruising all over the tank. He was up near the front glass, near the top of the water column, on the back powerhead, zooming about. I've never seen him do that. He normally dances side-to-side and ventures out cautiously only to pick at some stuff and return to whence he came. It may be that I was lucky and he always does this. I dunno. Regardless, I tossed a few pellets in the water even though I was taking today off for dropping in pellets. (My next scheduled drop was Thursday morning.) Was he zooming around because he was hungry, or do they always do that?
  13. Must be nice. I measure pH every few days and write it down like, 8.4+ or 8.4- depending on the color purple my eyes see in the lighting. Hah!
  14. I have a saltwater pool and need to add Muraitic Acid to keep the pH within range. I would /not/ use that stuff. You are entering the realm of respect-this-chemical-or-i'm-going-to-cause-myself-serious-harm. In other words, burning sinuses, eyes, skin, damaged clothes from micro splashes.
  15. Greg, As I understand it, lone clowns turn into females. Two male clowns and the dominant will turn female. Given that you want a B&W and False, I don't know if they will both turn female since they are different breeds. (Is breed the right word there?)
  16. Dena's man-toy did do a DIY LED lighting, but I was the one that gave the demonstration of my LED build at the last meeting.
  17. The 660-09 ballast depends on the lamp configuration, but it's max is 4.4A. In a related note, you may find this interesting as it compares ballasts and their effective energy consumption. I thought each circuit was 15A, but your "newer house" question makes me doubt my answer.
  18. Mike: Yeah, I need solid pieces, thanks though. Carrie, however, wants to make some DIY frag mounts and may want a sheet. I think 12"x12" would be more than enough to make a rack or three. Corey: At the risk of hijacking my own thread, what did you use to cut the overflow slits? I contacted Regal and they said a few bucks per piece, but they have a $15 minimum. But it's $5-$10 for simple fabrication. If I can get the scraps from you (Lowe's), I'll try to mod it myself with the tools I have. Edit: Weird, I can't edit my first post. Bah. I'll probably add a fourth piece--15 9/16" x 7 11/16".
  19. Not very thick at all. I have a 5.5g that I want to partition and make fuge contained within it. What time would be a good time to stop by Lowe's? Or, who do I need to talk to?
  20. Howdy. I need two--optionally three--pieces of acrylic: o One 8" x 9 3/4" o One 5" x 8 3/4" o One 5" x 9 3/4" (optional)
  21. I use an 8W under-counter light from Walmart that's 12" long. My chaeto is dense as a star and getting bigger. I run it on a reverse photocycle. It lives in an area roughly 4"x4"x12".
  22. I got certified in July. The realistic estimate, Mike, shocked me. In fact, I was totally pissed off when I took Scubaland's PADI certification for "$150". Well, you had to have your own snorkel, fins, and mask--another $140. You had to get the class materials--$70. You had to pay the open dive park fee--for us, Aquarina Springs $60 ($30/day). You had the option to rent a wetsuit, and at the springs you needed it--$36 ($18/day). The "Hey, I'll get certified just to be certified for $150" ended up costing me over $450!! I felt totally bait-and-switched and would have bailed if a friend hadn't taken a week's vacation and traveled to Austin so we could get certified together. You'll probably want your own wetsuit, BCD, regulator, and dive computer--anywhere from $700 to $2500 depending on quality.
  23. I'll read on more detail later, but at first blush it looks like you don't have your heater hooked up to battery backup. Seems crazy to me, but then again my house is 65F at night.
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