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i have a 29 gallon biocube which i have a clown fish, yellow watchmen and a pajama cardinal. i wanted to know if adding another clown fish would be ok. im not to sure on the max for fish with this size of tank. Also, in the pictures below you can see that the small clown thats in the 29 gallon biocube right now (picture 1) is hosting the brain coral. the other clown is larger (picture 2). i dont want them to fight and have a fellow reefer that is willing to hold him for me but i really want them together. what to yall thank?

picture 1


picture 2


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how long should i watch for this? ill have to put them in there together tomorrow night then ill go to bed then work. sorry for all of the questions but the wife loves the little clown and i dont want to have to tell her that the bigger one killed it.

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I just went the same thing with a tamato clown and a false percula. the tamato(the bigger one) chased the other for about 6 inches and never messed with him again. they seem to keep to separate sides of the tank. Check out the first link below and see how my clowns interact with each other.

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Even once they mate the Female will tell the male she is boss from time to time. He will show submission by doing a sideways shaking thing. As long as it is not protracted aggression they should be fine.

Its funny that you said this becuase I tried the mirror on the outside of the tank (a fellow reefer told me I should try this to get the clown use to having another fish in there) and the smaller one was doing the sideways shaking thing. The larger one didnt do it. How do I know which one is male and which one is female? also will it matter if the small one turns out to be the female?

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I just added a clarkii clown to my 175 that already had a mated pair of black false percula clowns, bad idea...I could barely get him out before they killed him. The black clowns would chase the clarkii to the point where I thought he might jump out of the tank. So instead I tried introducting him in to a 72 with a different pair of mated ocellaris clowns, bad idea too, they were just as bad. I also tried adding the ocellaris pair in the big tank with the percula clowns well that didn't work either.

Just make sure that you can catch the clown easily just in case, and that you have a place to keep him if it doesn't work out. My problems could have been b/c they were different species and that I was dealing with a mated pairs, not sure.

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With clowns, mated pairs in particular can be very aggressive / defensive.

With cichlids I know that rearranging the rockwork to disrupt territories can minimize the established fish have leading to lessened aggression. I suspect this might be useful with clowns as well but who wants to redo their aquascaping in a reef tank…

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