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do you turn off your pumps when feeding


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just curious if folks turn off their return pump when feeding, and if so, for how long? and how about your skimmer... turn off? and how long?

if you could do it automatically, would you dial down your powerheads too?

thanks in advance.

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I turn off all powerheads // Skimmer // return pumps when doing my routine feeding and leave them off for about 10 minutes (or whenever the food is gone) and then just turn them on again.

It's funny, as soon as those suckers go off all those fish hit the surface of the water waiting for food.

When I feed the corals once a week, I'll leave the powerheads off for about 30-40 min, and usually the return pump too -- but I could realistically leave the return pump on as well as it doesn't move a ton of water in my tank.

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I typically leave my return pump annd skimmer on when feeding fish and feeding largeish items to corals, and leave powerheads off for 15 to 30 mins. When I feed reef roids or baby brine shrimp I usually leave the return on, turn the powerheads off for about 5 mins, and turn the skimmer off for an hour or longer.

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Question for those fish feeders that turn of the circulation pumps. Why? Don't the fish like the movement?

I put mine into feed mode, which drops the speed to 10% of what it was at. It's mainly to keep the food from moving around too much. In feed mode it blows around a good bit as it is.

It may not be necessary...but it definitely moves around a lot if it's on.

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Circulation - Always On

Return Off - 15 minutes

Skimmer Off - 1 hour

Question for those fish feeders that turn of the circulation pumps. Why? Don't the fish like the movement?

This is anecdotal, but to me the fish are more aggressive about pursuing the food when it is moving around a lot. I guess it is an instinct thing.

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I turn the circulation pumps off when I feed to give the bottom dwelling and slower moving critters time to get their share. I noticed that when I fed with the powerheads on my herd of chromis always had plenty to eat, but my watchman goby never seemed to get much, my soft and LPS corals only got what they could catch as it rapidly drifted past (they particularly like mysis, so I make a point of dropping a little over each one).

I almost always leave the return pump on, my theory is anything that makes it over the overflow and into the sump will encourage growth of pods/other beneficial detritivores in the sump (and feed the chocolate chip starfish currently banished there).

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I don't turn anything off during regular feedings. I also feed slowly and do not dump the food into the tank.

Once in awhile, when I do directly feed the corals, I will turn off the return pump and skimmer.

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