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nudibranch problem?


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I got a piece of acropora (not sure the exact name) but after looking at it carefully I noticed there are several creatures that is the exact same color as the acro moving around. It is smooth and almost looks like smooth jelly when it moves. I have not seen any tissue diminishing from the acro though.

It is too small and blend too well with the coral to take a picture but am I dealing with a nudibranch? Would an iodine dip help? I read somewhere the dip stresses SPS out more than LPS and soft corals. Is that true or false?

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I have been using Revive by Two Little Fishies with very good results.

There are thousands of nudibranch species, but many of them are harmless to our corals. Of course, you could be dealing with something far more horrible... like AEFW-- hard to tell from the description alone. But, as you said, the coral does not appear stressed, so just keep a close eye on things.

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The reason why I'm thinking it is a type of nudibranch is because of how well it blends with the coral. You would not be able to tell they are there if you did not stare at it closely. I have Lugol's iodine on hand so I'll try that first.

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I would agree that they are probably AEFW. I have heard Revive will get rid of them, but fortunately I have never had to deal with them. I have fought Nudibranchs though, and you would be able to see them. The one pictured above looks like the Montipora eating variety, which is what I had.

The problem you may have now is that the coral has already been in your tank. So the dip may kill the ones on it, but any that had moved off of it into the tank could just reinfect it. Multiple dips may do it. Future reference is always dip any coral before it goes into your tank.

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I used to use TMCP too until I heard about Revive by Two Little Fishies. It supposedly kills the AEFW. Something that no other dip I have heard of can do. Weird thing is it smells just like Pine-Sol.

Vivid recommended either of the two products. TMCP has been great for me, I have no bugs

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