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Neptune AC3 and Road Runner


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This is for all you AC3 wizards.

I can not get the AC3 to e-mail ALM alerts. It seems they are blocking ports 21, 23, 25, 80, 119, 81, 1080, 3128, 4480, 6588, 8000, 8080, 8081.

Has ayone gotten this to work through a Road Runner e-mail account?


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Sorry Im not familiar with the AC3, but port 25 is generally used for email. Port 80 & 81 are used for web. I doubt it is RR blocking those ports. Have you tried disabling your firewall? Is the AC3 defendant on your computer to be running?

I've tried to telnet into smtp-server.austin.rr.com using each port number and the connection fails. I havn't disable my firewal (router or systems), and the AC3 is stand alone (does not connect to a computer).


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I have road runner and can telnet to their smtp server (port 25) without issue. In fact, I have my own server that uses them as a relay host.

hmmm, I am trying from the system at work but that shouldn't matter. . .

I just did it again:

telent smtp-server.austin.rr.com 25

Connecting To smtp-server.austin.rr.com...Could not open connection to the host, on port 25: Connection failed.

Do you have business class or home?


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you have to be on the time warner network to use their smtp server. I am assuming your AC3 is wired to your router then router to your cable modem. If so then it should work. If not then maybe your AC3 is not getting a valid ip and is not even on your routers subnet.

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does the AC3 have a console where you can see if you can ping the smtp server. When you said you telneted to it, from where? Is there a log file the controller generates? Click of that email test and see what the log file says.

Can not ping smtp server from the AC3. I telneted from my laptop at home on the RR network. No log file.

You can also try Gmail. I have used gmail as an SMTP server for other things and it works great.Also, I Time Warner Austin is not blocking port 80 inbound. I can get into my APEX from anywhere.

I ran several tests on port 80 and it is blocked.

+1 for Gmail. All ARC emails are now sent though gmail (smtp).

As a last resort how would I go about this?

Thanks guys for you help,


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I ran several tests on port 80 and it is blocked.

As a last resort how would I go about this?

Thanks guys for you help,


Port 80 will be blocked by your router by default. However, I assure you that Time Warner Austin (at least in my area) is not blocking port 80. I run webservers for testing on machines in my house all the time. You have to do the port mapping thing on your router, or it will show up as blocked on any test you run.

For GMail, if you log into your gmail account and go to settings if will show you what you need to use for SMTP server, etc. One thing to note is that you usually want to login as <yourGmailName>@gmail.com, not just <yourGmailName>

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so your laptop and your AC3 are on the same network. Meaning the first 3 numbers of their ips are the same? 192.168.1.*. And you can ping smtp-server.... from your laptop but not the AC3? Btw you don't need to open any ports on your router to connect to an external server. The only reason to would want to do that is to open up a port for a service you run. Like your AC3 web interface. You will need to register with a dynamic domain update service to keep your changing dynamically assigned TW ip in snyc with your domain name as well.

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Ok, I owe ALEX an apology. . .

I fowarded port 80 on my router and I can access the controller both on my network and off my network. I'm still having problems with e-mail. I need to research fowarding my eamil through gmail.

If I set up gmail to foward the email from the controller will also foward all my RR email? Sorry for being so thick headed!


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