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Mama found a present today...I was re-arranging my 60g and pull up my chalice from the rock wall and was wondering why it stuck a little bit....Well....this guy was hanging out underneath....its body alone is the size of a half dollar.....and purple!! What to do with this? I have him in my frag tank for now.....

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Urchins... they are cute until they start knowing frags over. Also, I believe the spiny type like that can be rock boring. Not saying this is all bad, just some things to think about.

I know they can knock things over and I'm keeping an eye on this thing!! What does that really mean, rock boreing? Will he hurt anything? I do find it strange that I NEVER saw him in the 60g...I did find him stuck to the bottom of a piece of liverock....

Thanks James!!

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I know they can knock things over and I'm keeping an eye on this thing!! What does that really mean, rock boreing? Will he hurt anything? I do find it strange that I NEVER saw him in the 60g...I did find him stuck to the bottom of a piece of liverock....

Well, the smaller ones would actually bore holes into the rock eating stuff living inside. I am not really sure on the larger ones. Urchins are great at eating algae, but some tend to eat the top layer of rock also.

oh James....I have to wish a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your baby girl.....wave.gifbiggrin.gif

Thanks :) It was a hectic weekend, but she made out like a bandit :lol:

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I had a tank in college that had three of them hitch in. They were literally the size of my pinkie nail when I found them. They ended up between 4 and 6 inches in diameter and could go through coralline algae like there was no tomorrow.

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The hubby and I have a couple of these types of urchins. They have never bothered our live rock. They eat algea, which is great....even the coraline stuff that gets on the glass.

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