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Equipment - Media Reactor


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So I've never owned a media reactor before and have always used a mesh bag when I add carbon to my system. I just let the bag sit in the bubble trap of my sump.

Is this efficient or will I get longer life and better utilization of my carbon by using a media reactor?

Anyone have a preferred reactor?

I just wanted to spark a conversation around this as it has crossed my mind a few times.

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I'm getting ready to install 2 two little fishies phosban reactors. I like them because they hang on the side of the sump and I can put them in-line. I currently have my ROWAphos in a mesh bag inside my sock and a large bag of carbon across my buble trap. I want to get rid of my sock and utilize my carbon more efficiently.


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I'm getting ready to install 2 two little fishies phosban reactors. I like them because they hang on the side of the sump and I can put them in-line. I currently have my ROWAphos in a mesh bag inside my sock and a large bag of carbon across my buble trap. I want to get rid of my sock and utilize my carbon more efficiently.


I was looking at that particular model. It seems to be the most widely used and is competitively priced. The only downside I see is that I have to add another pump to my system to utilize the reactor. If it dramatically increased the efficiency and utilization of my carbon, then it would be worth it in the long run. If it is only a slight gain / no gain from having it in my bubble trap, I just can't see myself changing just to add another pump / moving part! I can't find any studies / data that note the differences between reactor / mesh bag.

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I picked up a media reactor on the side really cheap (kent version.) So a few things.

1. I don't really see how different brands could matter, its a really simple device

2. Should be a very easy DIY project (note to self...)

3. It is just awesome!

Just looking at it you can tell it is more efficient. I always kinda wondered how a mesh bag could effectively work for carbon. You just don't get water flowing through the mass of carbon. For the most part i think it would just flow over and around it. With the media reactor you get to see the media floating in suspension with water touching all of the surfaces. Running carbon through my reactor I saw an immediate change in my tank. not only was the water a bit clearer but my skimmer started picking up more material that was bound to carbon particles. This is after running carbon in a bag for some time.

I have an order in for GFO and plan on running a 50/50 mix of GFO and Purigen going forward. Mostly because I think rinsing carbon is a pain in the kiester.

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While I'm all for having less pumps in a system, most of the pumps that power media reactors (excluding calcium reactors) are pretty small and don't require much juice. Plus I think you do get better flow over the media with them. AND...I use it as a gauge as when the reactor needs to be cleaned. When the media is clumped together and no longer boiling, I usually replace it. I'm probably replacing it more than I need to, but carbon and phosguard is so cheap, why not be safe than sorry?

Marine Depot has a nice reactor that I'm running on my 90G. $37 and it comes with pump, tubing, etc. Plus you can get carbon and phosphate media when you order.

Zara...I like purigen, but it is SUPER fine and blew right out of my reactor, even after I added a fine mesh screen to the top of the reactor. IMO, its better run in the bag it comes in as it doesn't escape.

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Another nice thing is the reactor dosen't clog up like a mesh bag does. The longer the mesh bag in the sump the more "junk will be collected inside and outsdie the bag. Without water being forced through the bag i beleive the water just goes around the bag. Therefore I think using a reactor is much more efficient. That's the main reason I am changing over to a reactor.


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Mark, which reactor was it on Marine Depot. I might be getting another one for the Zeo stones I'm about to employ, and my 2 Little Fishies ones are getting a little worn out. BTW, until reef_pug mentioned the one he just got on MD, I think 2LF reactors are a great deal, still are.


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Zara...I like purigen, but it is SUPER fine and blew right out of my reactor, even after I added a fine mesh screen to the top of the reactor. IMO, its better run in the bag it comes in as it doesn't escape.

Ohhhh good to know.

Do you use the bag in the media reactor or just the bag in the sump?

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i put the bag in the sump right in front of the koralia nano I use to aggitate the surface of my sump. You can see the purigen blowing around in the bag. Works ok, but I'm going back to carbon in the reactor since it is so easy to use and cheap.

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While I'm all for having less pumps in a system, most of the pumps that power media reactors (excluding calcium reactors) are pretty small and don't require much juice. Plus I think you do get better flow over the media with them. AND...I use it as a gauge as when the reactor needs to be cleaned. When the media is clumped together and no longer boiling, I usually replace it. I'm probably replacing it more than I need to, but carbon and phosguard is so cheap, why not be safe than sorry?

Marine Depot has a nice reactor that I'm running on my 90G. $37 and it comes with pump, tubing, etc. Plus you can get carbon and phosphate media when you order.

Zara...I like purigen, but it is SUPER fine and blew right out of my reactor, even after I added a fine mesh screen to the top of the reactor. IMO, its better run in the bag it comes in as it doesn't escape.

Interesting. With the BRS group buy, I purchased a 5 gallon bucket of carbon, but I got the fine which was supposed to be more efficient. I didn't realize exactly how small the pieces would be. About what size is the purigen particles? I'm now worried that this carbon wouldn't stay put in the reactor if you had problems with Purigen even with a fine mesh screen.

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Purigen particles are waaay smaller than any carbon i have ever seen. I have two of the bags which use a super fine mesh. Smaller than most media bags I have seen. And if I let the purigen dry all the way out I will loose some in the water while it is re-hydrating.

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the purigen particles are very small. I think the bags it comes in are in the 100 micron range. That being said, I was still able to get good water flow through the bag.

I switched back to carbon tonight tho as I just like having the media in the reactor. I figure why not put carbon in there since I'm running the reactor anyways.

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I combine my one cup of carbon and a tablespoon of GFO in this reactor from bulk reef supply.

(Ack, wouldn't allow link to jpg on BRS site! Sorry, no picture)

I have had no issues with blowing any media out since there is a valve to allow flow rate to be tune from the outfeed spurred off my return line. I think it is fairly priced and I have found it to be useful for running these two media together and changing them monthly. Keeps things neat and sump clutter free!

Bulk Reef Supply Media Reactor

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I used the two fishies reactor i like it. i have it hooked to a rio1100 and i run phos and carbon in it. and from the return hose out of the reactor i have it flowing over the top of some purigen i heard about the purigen bags being weak and braking so i wrapped it in a spandex bag and zippy tied it. i just added the purigen yesterday so we will see what happends. but i like the two fishies reactor it works well and easy to clean..

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