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I have one live rock that has what I think is cyano growing on it. Deep maroonish red color, forming very long tendrils that are trailing in the water. It doesn't appear to be spreading and isn't on the sand bed, just on the highest point of my live rock. I can grab the tendrils and pull and it removes that tendril plus some of the base where it attaches to the LR, but I can't remove it all this way.

Does anything eat this stuff? Is there a quick and easier way to remove it without having to take the LR out of the tank? Several of my corals are attached to the LR so I don't want to stress them.

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Normally cyno is caused by a combination lack of flow and excess nutrients. So you might try redirecting some flow towards that spot. Also make sure all of your other parameters are in check, as this could be a very early warning sign that something is not right (such as RODI filters need replacing, etc).

Some fighting conchs are supposed to eat cyno, but they stay on the sand bed.

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You can also siphon it w/some tubing....like the type that is used in RO/DI unit. It's much sturdy then the flexible/softer tubing....and easier to handle when siphoning. Any cyano that is hard to siphon; I would use a toothbrush to scrub off, let it go down the overflow. Your skimmer should be able to pull quite a bit. Do some water changes and keep the feeding to a minimum. If able, check for phosphate levels as well.

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This stuff is growing on the top of my LR right in front of the power head, probably the strongest current in the tank. And yeah, my fighting conch can't reach it. :) Params are all good, and this is my 29g that doesn't have a skimmer or an overflow. I put a water polisher pad in my emperor 400 that cycles the water, so it should catch it if i get it loose.

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