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iPhone OS 3.0 Is Here


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For all of you iPhone (and iPod touch) users here, just wanted to remind you that OS 3.0 is available today for upgrade (free for iPhones, $9.95 for touches).

This adds a whole bunch of items such as:

- Cut/copy/paste!!

- Landscape support in all the major native apps (mail, SMS, etc)

- System wide search (spotlight).

- Voice recording app.

- Applications can now "push" data to your phone even if you are not running that program.

- Plus more.

I have been using 3.0 for a while as a developer... it is nice! :lol:

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I think I'll try it out...today and Friday on my new iPHONE!

Yeah yeah :lol: I am holding off for a while before jumping to the 3GS.

Like you had to remind us. Fun day today.

True... I actually did meet up with some friends last friday who actually had no idea that OS 3.0 was coming, or what it had in it!

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Az must still be standing in line... haven't heard much from him today :)

I stood in line 4.25 hours, but I got mine! Worth the wait! The reason it took so long was the phone had to be activated in the store and I had to sign this, sign that, etc. They only had about 8 clerks activating phones so about 1 person was going in every 10 mins. I'm assuming they did it that way to keep from flooding their servers.

I saw Andrew too..called out to him, but he walked right by so I guess it was early for him... :)

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Good thing you got yours activated, reports are coming out that it might take up to 2 days for some phones to get activated due to the overwhelming number of phones being sold.

I am truely amazed... they are saying Apple might sell more 3GS's this weekend than they did 3G's during it's opening weekend.

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anybody see this? (good on new iphone contract only)

35% OFF iPhone 3Gs Thanks to Bing cashback


iPhone 3G for $64.90

iPhone 3Gs 16GB for $123.95

iPhone 3GS 32GB for $194.35


New iPhone Contracts Only:

1. Visit ATT Wireless website and validate your email address with Premier.

2. Check your email and click the link to your ATT Premier Store.

3. Open a new tab with the same browser that your ATT Premier Store is open in.

4. Go to bing.com in the new tab and search “att wireless”

5. Click the 35% CashBack Sponsored Link

6. Sign into your CashBack account and get redirected to the main AT&T Wireless page.

7. In the top right enter the term “Premier” into the search bar.

8. Click the first link that reads “at&t premier login”

9. You will get directed to the same Premier store you have open in the original tab.

10. Congratulations, you are in the Premier store under the CashBack AT&T Site

If you have an account with AT&T and you just want to make an upgrade or add a line:

1. Go to bing.com

2. Search ” ATT WIRELESS “.

3. Click the AT&T sponsored link, you will redirected (after you enter your email) to either the

regular AT&T store or the Premier store depending on which account you have

4. Log in to your account and make your purchase.

5. The cashback will show up as “pending” after a couple of hours.

6. If it takes more than 48 hours for the cashback to show up, contact bing’s customer service

then you will asked for your order number, method of payment( I attached my whole purchase order to the email): You cash will show up within hours

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