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Lighting Ctritique


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I have been searching for a new light source for my 72 gal aqauarium. During the summer months, I have issues with heat but I do not want to use a chiller. I am currently using 260 watt Compact Flourescent and have been considering upgrading to a T5 unit but the 6 bulb unit produces 324 watts. I am leery of spending that much money and only getting about a 20% increase in light. I have been internet reading a lot about T12 VHO and I found this retrofit kit that produces 440 watts using 4 bulbs. Here is the link: http://www.aquacave.com/465-4-lamp-vho-ret...ector-1291.html

Has any used T12 VHO? What is the downside to this type of lighting? How much heat is produced? Will my soft corals like it?

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I may be wrong but I was always under the impression that T12 doesn't put out as much light per watt than T5. If that's the case, you might get more heat and less light than with T5. But the link you gave shows a nice retro with individual reflectors. Might work out well for you but the trend seems to lean towards T5 these days.

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Agreed. From what I have read the T12 does not penetrate as well as the T5. Most of the fluorescent technology seems to be T5 so I think you would be better off going that route.

i agree as well... you wont be able to house coral under t 12. I had 6t5s on my 55 and they worked great. Go with the t5s

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Because nobody has taken notice of the fact that you want to run VHO T12 which are generally ran between 80-120watts. VHO can really shine. Personally I don't believe that any one fluorescent bulb can penetrate deeper because of the size of the bulb, only wattage. The trick with T5 is that you can place many more of them in the same place as a T12 set up. However most hobbyists do not run T12 VHO. On the other hand Many of the largest and nicest tanks I've seen ran URI T12 VHO super actinics for the supplemental color lighting on their huge reef tanks and the color ran well right along side their 400w halides. SO yes VHO bulbs can generate some serious light. In fact I have 2 Icecap 660 VHO electric ballasts for when (if I ever) I fire up my 400g tank. Your best bet would be to ask around to see other folk's tanks and compare what you actually see.

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I guess the only way you could effectively end the debate is to use a PAR sensor to determine the penetration rate of a given set of T12 VHO and T5 HO lamps. It would be costly and time consuming but at least you'd know for sure. I think most bulb manufacturers give this information on the packaging but who knows how accurate it really is...

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Both do the job. I have used NO T12 over a 55G of soft corals and had a nice display. I currently use both VHO T12 and HO T5. Corals need more than light to thrive, they also need food. With respect to comparing watts to watts you will not get a valid comparison. Reflector technology is perhapes the one biggest factor that overrides watts. If heat was an issue with power compacts, it will more than likely continue to be an issue with any of the other bulbs. Go for a fixture that has ventilation to remove the heat of lightinging through natural convection. Install ventilating fans to increase evaporation. While the replacement of water lost to evaporation may seem like a pain, it is your single biggest cooling median in a reef aquarium.

Thermodynamics 101:

When 1 pound of water evaporates, 1000 BTU's of heat are absorbed. One gallon of water weighs 8.34 pounds, which means each gallon that evaporates absorbes 8340 BTU's. If you evaporate 1 gallon per hour, that is the equivalent of 3/4 ton air conditioner.

Happy reefing,


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