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Newbee needs help with corals and missing skunk cleaner shrimp


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I need some help with two different problems in the same tank. I have a 24g nano cube stocked with 2 clowns, 1 pistol shrimp, 1 yellow watchman goby, 2 blue legged hermit crabs, 4 Mexican turbo snails, and 1 MIA skunk cleaner shrimp.

The first problem seems to be with my Mexican turbo snails causing problems for my corals. I currently have 4 snails and got them to help with some algae in my tank about 4 weeks ago. They made fast work of it and it was under control about a week after adding them in the tank. About 2 weeks ago I got 4 corals. The snails seem to plow their way over some of the corals and have taken out two. I started with a button polyp (zoanthis), a green star polyp (Clavularia viridis), a pulsating xenia (Xenia elongata), and a hammer coral. They seem to have completely taken out the green star polyp and the xenia. The button polyp and the hammer coral seem to be doing ok, but they do react when the snails get to close. Does anyone else have this problem with these snails (I read online they can be destructive)? If I get rid of them should I take them all out or leave some in the tank? If I take them out what cleaners should I replace them with that are coral safe (I've also heard to many hermit crabs can be bad).

The second problem is with a missing skunk cleaner shrimp. I have had him for about a week. He seemed to make a home in one of the caves that I setup with live rock. I haven't seen him in about two days. Is it possible something in my tank killed and ate it quickly? He was about an inch and a quarter. The pistol shrimp is about an inch long. The goby is about an inch and a half. The pistol and goby share tunnels in the sand bed. Is it possible the skunk shrimp is under there with them?



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Turbo snails are known for bulldozing things in the tank. They knock off my frags if I don't have them glued down well. Although they are clumsy, they live up to their names so I deal with it. I've never heard of them killing corals.

Dunno about your skunk...sounds like he's just staying well hidden.

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First....check your water parameters. Ornamental shrimps are prone to nitrate/nitrite, toxic.

Two....is possible that it might have molted and is in hiding until it finishes hardening its new shell.

As for the snails......IMO, super glue your corals for more stability.

Let us know if you find the cleaner shrimp.


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How old is your tank? Parameters?

Skunk could be KIA, or hiding.

The snail issue sounds as az replied. I have some GSP that close up for days on end if I remove their rock or something nips them. I'd avoid adding anymore xenia, but if you need some I can spare a stalk or 1200.

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Still haven't seen the skunk cleaner shrimp. How long do they take to molt?

I tested the water and also to it to LFS to have tested. Nitrates and Nitrites were undetectable. Other parameters looked good as well. I had them test salinity, calcium, and everything else just incase I missed something.

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Still haven't seen the skunk cleaner shrimp. How long do they take to molt?

I tested the water and also to it to LFS to have tested. Nitrates and Nitrites were undetectable. Other parameters looked good as well. I had them test salinity, calcium, and everything else just incase I missed something.

Skunk shrimps normally are less shy than say peppermint shrimps. I hate to say it, but if you haven't seen him in a few days, he might be a goner (and the clean up crew might have "cleaned" him up). When I had a skunk cleaner shrimp, I normally say him within a day of molting (and I almost always saw the molt).

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