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Safely removing palythoas from coral

Antonio Buehler

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I have a candy cane coral with palys and mushrooms on it. The palys are taking it over and suffocating the candy cane so I need to go in and remove the palys. I have no desire to get palytoxin poisoning but I don't want to see the candy canes die. Any advice on how to efficiently remove them? From what I have found I know I need to do it outside, wear gloves, a surgical mask, and goggles. But I would prefer to do this once. Also wouldn't mind saving a few palys and applying them to a smaller rock. Thanks!

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I don't think you need to get a mask... just keep your mouth shut and away from the palythoa, however if you are a what I refer to as a tongue focuser (you stick your tongue out when you are doing/focused on a task) then a mask would be a good idea. I have seen some success using a razor blade to scrape off the feet of the ones you want to save. I would recommend you have a bowl of tank water nearby to be able to put to palys that you want to save in while you work on the rest. 

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For small numbers of palys you should be fine working inside if you take the following precautions:

  • wear safety goggles, removing palys can cause all sorts of liquid to squirt or splash and you don't want any in your eyes.
  • wear latex or nitrile gloves
  • wear a surgical mask if you want to fully cover your face in addition to the goggles
  • never heat/boil/bleach or doing anything that may aerosolize palys
  • have two buckets of salt water.  Place the rock with palys on it in one.  Take the rock in hand and remove/scrap the palys off, disposing of them in a waste receptacle (no water needed in it).  Removed palys can slime, releasing toxins, so handle them as little as possible once removed.  After scraping the palys off the rock, give the rock or coral a brisk shake in the 2nd bucket (clean salt water).  This is to remove any residual slime/paly juice from the rock or coral before placing it back in your tank. 
  • when done safely dispose of bucket 1's water, it most likely will have lots of slime/paly toxin in it from the rocks and corals resting it it while you worked.
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I know it might look a little goofy, but I picked up one of those plastic face shields from the orange store for pretty cheap. Might be a bit over the top, but I wanted to make sure that I had full face coverage to prevent polyps from squirting.

mFrame pretty much hit the nail on the head with his post.

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