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Repair of BML 36" Planted Tank Light


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Hello all; 

I just wanted to run this buy folks to see if anyone had any help for my little problem here. I Have two tanks, one is Reef and the other is Planted, and my planted tank's lighting just bit the bullet. It is only 4 years old and my Build My LED 36" Fixture seams to have blown it's transformer. Try as I might, Fluence (which BLM became) Will not even SELL me a replacement part and I am weighing my options. This light has been great so far and i'm sure the actual LEDs are fine, the Transformer smells like that wonderful burned electronics smell. I've checked Ebay and the web for replacements but to no avail. 


Just checking to see if anyone has any suggestions here before I have to go throw 500 bucks at Kessil for replacement lighting.



Edited by jeschulze
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I know from early discussions with BML that they were sourcing the transformers from overseas and re-badging them, so either Isaac or Tim's should work for you. I believe Tim's picture is one of the originals.

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I find these on Ebay, I note that in all instances I'll have to cut and re splice the wires. Something i'm lax to do with things around water. Considering just moving to a pair of Kessil A160s. Anyone want to buy a 48" BML light without a transformer? (I was incorrect on the size previously, this is for a standard 48" 75 gal tank.

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2 hours ago, jeschulze said:

I find these on Ebay, I note that in all instances I'll have to cut and re splice the wires. Something i'm lax to do with things around water. Considering just moving to a pair of Kessil A160s. Anyone want to buy a 48" BML light without a transformer? (I was incorrect on the size previously, this is for a standard 48" 75 gal tank.

where are you located? 

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16 minutes ago, Isaac said:

im in RR, off 1431, ill splice it for you if you want.

As much as I want to spend 600 bucks on a kessil setup, your probably right. You shall save me from my wife's gaze. I really shouldn't spend that; but let me acquire a transformer and we'll be in touch. Thank you. Also let me know your favorite beer. :P

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13 hours ago, jeschulze said:

As much as I want to spend 600 bucks on a kessil setup, your probably right. You shall save me from my wife's gaze. I really shouldn't spend that; but let me acquire a transformer and we'll be in touch. Thank you. Also let me know your favorite beer. :P

Isaac's a good guy, nice of him to help.  With use a little heat shrink tubing and silicon and your splice will be fine.

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