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Fish Tank Creates Gateway for Security Breach


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That article is so vague and clickbaitey its annoying, frankly doesnt even pass basic journalistic vetting.  questions: what was the device  which was "hacked?"  was it even a IoT?  What is the definition of IoT in reference to this article? Was it breached from outside the firewall, or was it a guest on a local network.  etc. etc.  They toss in certain details, but omit others? come on.

point is... until there are details, dont go crazy thinking your apex is a security problem if you have your firewall setup right.

btw.. my real job is a network security engineer, i get paid to know this crap.

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Your right it was vague.  A friend emailed it and after seeing a discussion on a PBS show that discussed the risks and potential of networked household appliances being hacked I thought I'd pass it along. It's source is DarkTrace.com 2017 global threat report https://www.darktrace.com/resources/wp-global-threat-report-2017.pdf     Darktrace.com is a UK company that has AI tools for identifying data breachs.   (For those like me who have never heard of the term IoT it stands for "Internet of Things" and is the technology used to link WiFi devices [like smart appliances] to the internet)

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That's an impressive list of what's been found so far "in the wild".   However improbable you may think the hack reported by Darktrace may have been, how does it show that the hack they say they found didn't happen?   It certainly would be nice if Darktrace gave out all the details of the hack in question but I can understand them wanting to safeguard their clients privacy and not make public knowledge information on how to do the hack.   I hope the take away for others reading this is don't be complacent.

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