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Salinity shift and stringy snot


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My float got bumped on the ATO and it almost made the tank overflow.  I dont know how long it was like that but I dont think more than a few hours.  It made the salinity drop to 1.019   I have added some salt back and have it up to about 1.021 but just about every coral in the tank is making a stringy white snot looking substance now but wasnt as much at 1.019.  Stress I am sure but will they recover or did the tank just nuke itself?  I have shut off the light for good measure but should I do anything else?  Do I get the salinity back up in a hurry or gradually?

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just dont bring the salinity up as quick as it went down, it would be a double shock.  (this is why i went w/ multiple 12v floats and a valve on my ato, mechanical is just too.... ugh.)

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Its sitting dark at 1.021 right now and all the snot seems to have stopped.  Planning on a 5 gal (about 25%) tomorrow morning and then another on Thursday.  I think that should get me back to normal or just shy.  Does that seem reasonable?

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+1 to everything Isaac said.  Corals do fine where the salinity is at now so there's no hurry to bring it back up to 1.026.   Corals tolerate 1.019 so your corals might have slimed more from the sudden changes in salinity. 

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12 hours ago, Isaac said:

just dont bring the salinity up as quick as it went down, it would be a double shock.  (this is why i went w/ multiple 12v floats and a valve on my ato, mechanical is just too.... ugh.)

I didnt mean to imply mine was mechanical. The magnets on it are kinda weak for the thickness of this tanks glass so on occasion it moves a bit...I guess I must bump it emptying skimmer cup or something.   Mine has an option for two float switches and three modes but I only use one because the cables are too short to put the second one in any place useful.    I need to lengthen that second cable and make a bracket for them but I just haven't gotten to it. 


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  • 3 weeks later...

I know this will sound obvious/dumb but I put the water level sensors in places where they won't be easily adjusted on accident.  You might try to find a nice corner of the sump that isn't close to other equipment.

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