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Can you have too much of one coral?


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I have a huge amount of devils hand leathers. I also have a huge amount of Frogspawn. I'm not sure how I can aquascape with these two things getting as large as they are? I'm thinking of getting rid of a lot of them.?

text: 512-818-2221


Edited by renman303
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You can absolutely have too much of the same coral.  I had original Devils Hand that I got from you that I've given to over 100 members, then finally had to purge it from my tank because I just had too much of it.

That's the great thing about the club, spread around the ones you're successful with and gets some new ones from other members to try.

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In my own tank, absolutely,  I can have what I would consider too much of one coral.  But it's all up to the individual.  Some people like having a tank dominated by only a couple, sometimes as few as a single coral species. 

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