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Need Help on Quick 20 minute Move - Sunday 5/7 - 1pm


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Hi All,

  • Needed:
    • I need some quick help (15 or 20 minutes) to do a quick stand swap.
    • I will need 3 volunteers: Two strong dudes to pickup and hold the tank (with the suction cups) while myself and someone else swaps the stands out. 
    • I can help move the stands but my wrist is not recovered enough from the wreck to pick up and hold that 120gal tank. :( 
  • Where/When:
    • This Sunday 5/7 at 1pm CT.
    • Round Rock off of 79 near Dell Diamond
  • Volunteers so far:
    • I believe I have one volunteer so far - Cambik can you make it Sunday?
    • Note: I'll buy pizza for any that can help. :D


Also - I'll be selling the wood stand if anyone needs a good, freshly painted, 48"x18" stand that will fit a 75 gal, 90 gal, or 110 gal tank. The stand is fine, I just needed more room under it for all the sump/ATO/dosing equipment.



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Dry and empty, but it is not a light tank. 120 gal 1/2" glass.

The suction cups will help a lot and I'm planning on moving the couch out of the way so that we can set the tank over on some work stands temporarlily until the metal stand is moved into place. But that is why we need 4 people - 2 to hold the tank, and 2 to move the stands.

It should only take a few minutes total for the move.

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Hi John, I'd love to repay you the favor for helping me out with my move, but free time these days is non-existent for me.

What I will do is offer the 3 people that can assist you a good Samaritan prize of a free frag from my tank. I will only offer this to the first three that offer to help John out, so Christy and Cambik, come see me when you're ready for a frag of something.

I think John just needs one more person. Who's in it to help a guy who's recovering from a motorcycle accident swap stands?

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I can probably help, my time is pretty tight these days as well, but if we are talking 1:00 pm, I should be able to help.  Compared to my tank, I suspect this is actually pretty light!  And Ty already owes me like a million frags, so no need to make it a million and one. ;)


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I can probably help, my time is pretty tight these days as well, but if we are talking 1:00 pm, I should be able to help.  Compared to my tank, I suspect this is actually pretty light!  And Ty already owes me like a million frags, so no need to make it a million and one. [emoji6]

Oh no, anybody but this guy! I owe him so many frags I might as well give him all my corals!
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Thanks Ty and Chris!! Much appreciated!

You really didn't need to do this Ty, you don't owe me anything, I was glad to help you. But I do appreciate it! :D I'll swing over to your house before Sunday to get the suction cups.

thanks again!


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Thanks Ty and Chris!! Much appreciated!
You really didn't need to do this Ty, you don't owe me anything, I was glad to help you. But I do appreciate it! [emoji3] I'll swing over to your house before Sunday to get the suction cups.
thanks again!

No problem at all. Least I could do for all your help that day. Looks like Chris will grab the suction cups for you.
I have suction cups as well.... wait.  [mention=463]FarmerTy[/mention], are those mine that HarleyGuy is talking about? LOL, I really don't remember.  If not I can grab mind [mention=4372]HarleyGuy[/mention] to save you the trip.  If they are mine, well... okay then [emoji4]

Yes, they are yours Chris. Come on by sir and grab them whenever and start mentally marking all the frags you're going to take from me when your tank is ready. [emoji31]
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I don't need your stink'n frags! :D If @HarleyGuy is planning to come pick them up for this move, I'll let him do that, only because I'm not sure when I would make it to your place before Sunday.  Then I can just bring them back from there.  Of course, if anyone else needs them, I don't plan on moving for a LONG WHILE again, so they are open for use!


THE FINE PRINT @FarmerTy: Just kidding about the frags, I'll definitely want some then the time is right, but I'll be fair about it, depending on your definition of fair! :devil:

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I don't need your stink'n frags! [emoji3] If [mention=4372]HarleyGuy[/mention] is planning to come pick them up for this move, I'll let him do that, only because I'm not sure when I would make it to your place before Sunday.  Then I can just bring them back from there.  Of course, if anyone else needs them, I don't plan on moving for a LONG WHILE again, so they are open for use!
THE FINE PRINT [mention=463]FarmerTy[/mention]: Just kidding about the frags, I'll definitely want some then the time is right, but I'll be fair about it, depending on your definition of fair! [emoji317]

Fair is you taking my whole tank because I really do owe you but I'll go with loading you up with frags to fill that ginormous tank instead.
Ok, I'll pick them up Ty. I'm thinking Saturday before noon? Will that work?

That should work John. If I'm out for work, I'll leave them out for you to grab sir. Thank you and good luck with the stand swap!
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Stand swap successful! ? 

Many thanks to Cambik and Chris for helping with the move (and my neighbor Nate) and Ty for offering the frags! ? 

It is looking really good so far! The tank and plumbing holes lined up perfectly on the stand.

I'll attach some pics in the next week or two once I get all the sump hardware installed, plumbed, and wired. This is the fun part!! ?

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