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Tight fitting canopy and Oxygen exchange


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So I have a canopy that has a few small holes in it but right now there isn't a fan blowing air in or out.  I do have 2 ecotech Gen 2's that have fans that can blow out but they are only operational when the units get hot.  My return lines are pointed towards the surface so the water is agitated.

There are a large sump w/skimmer and a fuge in the garage that the display is plumbed into.

My return pump is a dart\snapper with a manifold, so the display gets a decent amount of flow.

I would rather not cut large holes in my canopy and add fans that would make noise.

My questions are would the tank benefit from me having an air pump blow fresh air from my house into the canopy?

Does the air get stagnant above what is our main body of water if there isn't constant air flow?

Might it help raise my ph?

Would it be better to put the air pump in the garage? (More oxygen exchange)

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I think if you brought in fresh air it would definitely help with gas exchange and equipment cooling.  But if you bring in outside air it might be wise to run it through a carbon chamber first

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if you think you need more gas exchange, drop some bubblers in the sump.  surface air is just that... surface... not much exchange compared to a bubbler or skimmer, imho.  my concern would be the super-elevated relative humidity up there w/ the lights... you need to vent for the health of the lights, more than the gas exchange.

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7 hours ago, jolt said:

Isaac makes a great point


2 hours ago, Mcjudge said:

Yeah good call Isaac, I didn't even really think about that, but totally make sense.  Will make it happen cap'n!!

darn engineers see things differently :)  equipment before livestock, because w/o equipment, livestock goes byebye.

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I did the whole drill through-your-external-wall bit.  Connected that tubing to my skimmer.  It did help... Could probably amplify the effect with a bigger skimmer or connecting that line to some bubblers.

I have an airtube with a sponge around the opening at my front door.  No one has asked me about it yet, which is hilarious.  The result was somewhere between 2-3% boost to my max PH, but also more consistency day to day.

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remember when pulling outside air to get the intake as high as possible, and get a filter inline.  you dont want some exterminator spraying your house or neighbors house and the fumes get into the intake.

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